16 - That Was Rude ✔

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Stiles's Point of View

I start my car and begin my way to Derek's. I figure I probably shouldn't show up unannounced and I don't even know his address so I decided to call him. My phone is connected through my car so I can call Derek hands free.

"Hello?" Derek answers.

"Can I have your address?" I ask bluntly.

"Um sure but why?" He asks confused.

"Because I had a fight with Scott and I wanna come over and talk to you," I say.

"Okay. I'll leave the door unlocked. You can just come in," he says.

"Okay thank you,"

He rattles off his address and I put it in my GPS. It only takes about ten minutes to get there. When I get there I notice that he lives in a nice looking apartment. I take the elevator up to his floor and begin my search for his room. I finally find it at the end of the hall. I softly knock and slowly turn the knob. The door pushes open and I see Isaac and Jackson look towards me. I wave silently.

"Hey, Stiles. Derek said you'd be coming here soon. He's in his room if you want to go see him," Jackson says.

Jackson points to a direction in the apartment of what I'm assuming is Derek's room. 

"Um, yeah, thank you, Jackson," I say.

I begin to head in the direction Jackson pointed but Isaac decides to say something. I wish he would've kept his mouth shut. 

"Hey, Stiles how's Scott?" Isaac asks.

"Why don't you ask him yourself," I scoff rolling my eyes.

I'm so annoyed when I see Isaac. I didn't know he was here. I probably wouldn't have come if I knew. I can't believe he's everywhere. First at work than Scott and now Derek's. Like what the hell is going on here. I hope he knows that Derek is mine. And I am not afraid to show him that.

Isaac looks shocked at my response and I hear footsteps approaching from my left. I turn my head from them on the couch to the footsteps. I'm pretty sure its Derek but I just wanted to make sure.

"Stiles that was rude," Derek states.

"I know," I say.

"What'd I do?" Isaac asks.

"What didn't you do," I scoff.

"Stiles! My room. Now," Derek demands.

I roll my eyes and walk towards the hall where he came from. His hand is at the small of my back guiding me to his room. Once we arrive in his room he gently pushes me in and closed the door. 

"Bed, now."

I sit on the edge of the bed without saying anything because I know he's upset with my attitude right now but I couldn't help it. I was already angry at Scott and since Isaac was like the center or start of our argument I got annoyed and upset when I saw him. I know that he is a co-worker and I have to be at least civil with him but before Scott got involved with him we were sort of friends I guess. I know I shouldn't take my anger for Scott out on Isaac but he was right there and I just lashed out. 

I keep my eyes on my hands that are in my lap but I can hear are his sighs of disappointment. Earlier I was feeling sassy but now all I'm feeling is bad and sad that I disappointed him. Something wet drips from my chin to my hand and that's when I realize I'm crying. I take a deep breath in and wipe my tears away. 

I can see Derek's legs in front of me so I know that he has kneeled in front of me.  I know he's giving me that look of sympathy but that's only because he's realized I'm crying. I hate crying. It makes me feel weak. I feel the tears pooling over my eyelids again so I wipe them off. Derek catches my hand in his pulling me from the bed to his lap on the floor. 

"Stiles," Derek says.

I refuse to look at him. I can't handle the look he's giving me. I know that I'm going to be punished and I know I deserve it because of my actions towards Isaac and him. I disrespected him and humiliated him in his own home. I would completely understand if he didn't want me as his sub anymore. 

"Stiles, pup, look at me please," he says softly.

I slowly look up at him with tears in my eyes. I can't really tell what he's thinking but all I am thinking is the worst.

"I'm sorry," I croak. 

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. I know you had a bad day, everybody does, but that does not mean you can take it out on anybody that annoys you," he says.

"I know, sir, and I'm really sorry I embarrassed you in your own home. I should go apologize," I say.

I begin to push myself up from the floor and his lap but he pulls me back down before I could get very far. 

"Yes you should, but not right now. You need to calm down and Jackson will need to calm down because I do not feel like punishing three subs today, okay?"

"Okay, but can I ask a question?" 

"Sure pup, what's up?" 

"Why would Jackson be upset?" I ask.

"Because Isaac is his best friend," he says.

"Really? I didn't even know they knew each other, but I'm also not that close with Isaac and I've only heard you talk about Jackson a little bit," I say.

"They have been life long friends like you and Scott and just yesterday did they tell each other about their lifestyles,"

"Why'd they wait so long?"

"Because they were both afraid of judgment and they are both insecure so I pushed them to tell each other and talk about it," he says.

"That was nice of you," I say.

"Thank you pup. Now will you tell me about what happened with you and Scott please?" he asks.

"Sure," I say.

I explain to Derek what started our argument and what it escalated to. I told him what was said and how it made me feel. I told him about my feelings and how I came here right after. I told him about everything from the time I woke up to the time I got here. 

"Do you want to hear what I think?" he asks.

"Of course, sir," I say looking at him with all of my attention. 

"I think you were overreacting just a bit and you need to apologize but also Scott seemed like an ass saying that your friendship changed when you become a sub because it shouldn't matter what you guys classify as in the club. You guys were best friends before the lifestyle and you should stay best friends. And if he lets a classification get in the way of a life long friendship then he won't know what's he's missing and I will always be here for you," he says.

"Wow. Thank you for not just taking my side," I say.

"What?" he asks, "Wouldn't you want me on your side?" 

"Well of course but you also gave your own opinion and that means a lot to me that you aren't afraid to give your feelings and not just agree with me," I explain.

"You can always count on me for telling the truth," he says.

"I know. Thank you for that,"

"And that means I expect you to tell me your true opinions and feelings," he says.

"Of course I will, sir," I say.

"Now, do you want to talk about your punishment now or wair a little bit and just cuddle?" he asks.

"Um, what do you think would be best?" I ask.

"I think you should calm down and get into a stable submissive mindset before we start your punishment," he explains.

"Yes, sir," 

"Okay, so let's get into comfy clothes and relax in bed so we can cuddle," he says.

"Yes, sir,"

Number of Words: 1370

Published: June 1st, 2020

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