12 - Tea ✔

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Derek's Point of View

I grab a beer from the fridge and take one to Jackson and sit across from him in the living room.

"Thanks, man," he says.

"I'm telling you, Jackson, I seriously think he's the one," I say.

"Seriously?" Jackson questions.

"Yes, I'm serious. He's different then the others I've been with," I say taking a sip from my beer.

"Different how?" he asks.

"Well it's definitely a good different, but he's just more confident and outspoken. He doesn't cower at my name or my built and he obviously not with me for the money because he didn't know who I was when I first talked to him. He's a better sub then the others and he's open-minded and into what I'm into. It's like God has handcrafted him for me, personally," I explain.

"Damn, he must be a special one to put that dreamy look in your eyes," he laughs.

"Haha, very funny," I mock him.

We sat in silence for a bit drinking our beers watching the show on the t.v.

"So how about you?" I ask.

"what do you mean?' he asks looking over at me.

"Like have you found someone?" I clarify.

"Um, no, not yet, but I was thinking of trying out the McCall club," he answers.

"Mhmm," I hum.

"Uh, I mean, if you wouldn't mind. Like you're not going to feel betrayed if I went to another club right?" he panics.

"No of course not. You need to do what's best for you. You need to find the best sub for you," I say.

"You know I'm not just looking for a sub, Derek," he says.

"I know but I was also the one who trained you and I know you are more dominant than submissive," I explain.

"Yes I know that too but I also have submissive tendencies and so I'm really looking for a switch like myself," Jackson says.

"Yeah, well I don't want you to get your hopes up because finding a switch isn't easy. I just don't want you spending all your time looking for a switch when you could be finding a perfect person for you," I say.

"Do you think I'll ever find the perfect person for me?" He asks.

"Well, that depends on you. It depends on how hard you try and how determined you are to finding that person," I say.

"I do want to find the person obviously," he scoffs.

"Don't give me that attitude Jackson. I'm just giving you my thoughts," I say.

"You're right I'm sorry," he mumbles.

"And it also depends on how picky you are going to be when looking for your partner. You can't have your expectations too high but you also don't want them too low," I explain.

"Yeah I know but I don't want to be lonely for years. I want to find my person now," Jackson whines.

"Well then get looking but I just don't want you to get hurt," I say softly.

"Yeah. Me either," he says.

"And please don't rush into anything either?" I ask.

"I promise," Jackson says.

"Okay so now that we have that conversation then we can talk about what you want specifically in your partner," I say.

"You know what I want," he sighs.

"Refresh my memory please?" I laugh.

"I want a guy obviously," Jackson laughs.

"Of course, I know that. You've come a long way with coming to terms with your sexuality and I'm so proud of you," I say.

"Yeah. I was kind of a dick back then but I'm a little nicer," he says.

"Yes I know, I've realized," I say, "Now tell me more about what you want in or from your partner," I softly demand.

Jackson lets out a deep breath.

"Okay. But you can't make fun of me, okay?" He questions.

"I would never make fun of you Jackson or anyone for that matter," I say.

"I know you wouldn't but you know how I am. I'm insecure and I know that I have no reason to be but it's just me," he says.

"I know and stop stalling. Start talking," I say.

"Okay fine," he starts.

I hum.

"I would prefer a fairly submissive switch that can still dominate me when I need it. I would like a male obviously. Um, a guy whose pretty much the same built like me but not bigger. He could be smaller but preferably not. And he has to be very open-minded," Jackson says.

"That sounds like a wonderful man," I say.

"Yeah, let's just hope I can find him," Jackson mumbles.

"I bet you will. I found Stiles throw McCall's club and I'm sure you can find your man there too," I say.

"Technically Stiles ventured out and found you so," he laughs.

"Yes, true, but he's from the McCall club," I point out.

"That's true. So tomorrow night I'll go to the McCall club and observe," he says.

"I'll come with you," I say.

"You don't need to do that," he says.

"I know but I want to," I say.

"And it doesn't matter that Stiles is going to be there?" he hums.

"Maybe that too but I'm also there for moral support," I laugh.

"Of course you will be," he says.

"Now let's have a good night and plan on an even better night tomorrow," I say.

"That sounds good," he says.

We sit back and relax while watching the t.v. until our eyes are slowly closing.

Number of Words: 960

Published: May 4, 2020

A/n: May the Fourth be with you. All the Star Wars movies are on Disney + and I'm having a Star Wars marathon this weekend. It's going to be so fun.

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