23 - Are you new? ✔

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Jackson's Point of View

I can't believe Derek just abandoned me and when Isaac and I first got here, Scott took Isaac away so here I am all alone in this new club with new people that I've never met or seen before. It really spiked my nerves and anxiety. I have no idea what to do. I feel so awkward. Since I am new to well, being gay, or at least accepting that I am, I kind of haven't talked to a guy like that yet. I don't know why I'm just scared I guess. If I flirt with a guy then it will make it more real and confirm that I have feelings for men. I'm just sitting here, looking around watching people while sipping water.

"I haven't seen you around here before," a voice says.

I turn towards the voice. And oh my gosh, this is the hottest specimen on the planet. From his eyes to his lips, his arms, chest, thighs, hell even his feet that I can't see.

I look back to his eyes and notice that he just saw me check him out. My face gets so red and hot.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"That's fine sweets," he smirked.

"Please don't call me sweets," I say.

"Okay then what can I call you?" he asks.

"I'll let ya know when I find out," I smile.

"So, are you new?" he asks.

"Oh, yeah, this is my first time here," I say.

"Oh, so you're new to the scene?" he asks.

"Ah, no. I'm a member at the Black Ice, but I am new to this," I say.

"Oh, so you know Derek Hale?" he asks.

Of course, another hot guy that is looking for Derek.

"Um, yeah but he's off the market, sorry to disappoint," I say.

"Oh, I'm not asking to fuck him. I just think that it's cool you belong to his club. I've heard about him. He's kind of a legend you could say. I'm new to town and I just joined here a week ago," he says.

"Oh, sorry. I only came tonight because Derek wanted to play with his boy and my best friend Isaac got dragged away by Scott so I'm left all alone," I complain.

"you did say you were new to 'this', what does that mean?" he asks.

"Well, I just recently found out, eh, more like admitting to myself that I like guys," I say.

"That awesome that you know who you are,"

"Yeah, but it me half a decade to figure it out,"

"Well some people don't want to admit it because they think it makes them wrong and some people live their whole life pretending to be someone they're not. I'm glad you aren't pretending anymore,"

"Me too. Derek helped me through it though, because I didn't want to believe it actually. My parents aren't my biological parents so I didn't want them to see me any different then they already did," I say.

"Did they accept you as you are now?" he asks.

"Um, yeah, pretty much. They didn't really believe me at first because I was a manwhore in high school so they thought I was playing a prank on them," I explain.

"Well I'm glad they love you and accepted you. I'm also happy that you like guys because you are hot," he smiles.

I laugh, "funny, you aren't so bad looking either,"

"Oh don't play innocent with me, I saw you checking me out when I first walked up to you," he says.


"Okay so how about I keep you company?" he questions sitting down beside me.

"I don't even know your name," I say.

"Ethan, yours?"


"Hot name for a hot guy,"

"Haha," I laugh.

"I'm serious,"

"In that case, thank you. You're hot too," I smile.

"So are you a dom or a sub?" He asks, "I can't really tell and normally I can tell,"

"Both actually,"

"Really? A switch?"

"Uh, yeah, hopefully, that doesn't bother you," I apologize.

"Why would that bother me?"

"Because when some people find out they don't like that I identify as both. They feel like you can only be or the other," I explain.

"Who cares what they think. If you want to identify as a freaking penguin then who are they to tell you any different," he says.

"Thank you," I laugh, finding my cheeks hot.

Oh my gosh, I'm blushing. I cannot believe he's making me blush so much.

"No problem, so does that mean you're looking for another switch or...?" he asks.

"Um, honestly, it depends, why are you asking?" I question.

"I may be looking for someone," he smiles.

I like the sound of that. I smile bringing my glass of water to my lips. This night could turn out really good for me.

"Like who?" I ask.


"You're a switch?" I ask incredulously.

"Hell no,"

"I didn't think so. Your body language screams dominant," I laugh.

"Yeah, well I have this thing about multiple partners, so maybe we could find a sub to play with tonight,"

"So you, me, and a sub?" I ask.

"Yeah, doesn't that sound hot,"

"Hell yeah but are you just using me to get your rocks off?" I ask.

"Well, maybe but you are kind of cute and I wouldn't be opposed to getting to know you better,"

"Wow, hot and honest, a perfect pair," I tease.

"So, what do you say?" he asks.

"Maybe," I say.


"Yes, we'll see where the night takes us," I smirk.

"Okay. Okay I can work with that," he says.

"Good," I laugh, "Now get me another drink,"

"Excuse me?"

"Please?" I ask sweetly, blinking my eyes rapidly.

"That's better," he says, "What do you want?" he asks.

"Water please and thank you," I shout as he walks away.

He turns back and throws me a wink. What a flirt. I really hope he isn't playing me and just using me to get off tonight. I really don't want him to be a manwhore, but so was I so I can't really judge him too hard yet. Let's see how the night goes.

Number of Words: 1010

Published: August 30, 2020

a/n: I just published that prologue of my new book. If you guys could go check it out, that'd be great. It is a Klefan story, which is Klaus and Stefan from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. 

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