27 - Recovery, Punishment, Comfort ✔

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Third Person's Point of View

Kate and Gerard were arrested. Derek can't believe that they are finally out of his family's life. Now all Derek can hope for is that Chris leaves them alone. He knows that Chris basically turned in his father and sister but he doesn't completely trust or understand him yet.

Derek is sitting in the hospital waiting room for the rest of his family. They are going to check up on Peter and talk to the doctor about his recovery

Cora and Talia walk in and Derek meets them in the front by the desk.

"Did you hear?" Cora asks.

"Hear what?" He asks even though he's pretty sure what she's talking about.

"That the Argents got arrested!" She exclaims

"Not so loud Cora," Mom says.

"Sorry," she says.

"Argents? As in more than one?" Derek asks.

"Just Kate and Gerard," Mom says.

"Oh," he says.

"Can we see Uncle Peter?" Cora asks.

"Yes, please," he says.

"I'll go talk to someone," Mom says.

Mom walks away to find a doctor.

"How are you?" Cora asks.

"I'm fine, relieved actually," Derek says.

"That's good Der," she says.

Mom comes back with a doctor that leads us to Peter's room.

The three have a family meeting as Peter wakes up.

"Hey Peter," Derek says softly.

Peter blinks.

"He won't be able to talk for a bit. He is still recovering but he should be able to hear and understand us," the doctor says.

"That's great," Mom says.

"I hope you recover fast, Uncle," Cora says.

They continue to talk and explain the situation to Peter until visiting hours were over. 

The three exits Peter's room and meet up in the lobby.

"Now that you know everyone is okay, you can go home now Derek," Mom says.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yes, but make sure to bring your boy next time you visit," she says.

"And soon," Cora adds.

"Of course guys," he says.

Derek gives them a hug and then starts his journey back home to Stiles. The drive wasn't that bad but he doesn't necessarily like to drive a lot so he was annoyed but seeing Stiles will make him feel immensely better. 

Derek surprises Stiles at Scott's club. He wants Stiles to have a fun night and he needs to relieve some stress so it's a win-win for both of them. Just as long as Stiles follows directions. Stiles was very surprised to see Derek at the club because Derek didn't tell Stiles he was coming home so soon. Stiles was very happy which made Derek very happy. When the person you love is so happy to see you it turns your world from grey clouds to rays of sunshine.

They make our way to a private room and Derek gets out some toys he wants to use. Derek wants to tease Stiles and keep him on edge for a while. Derek wants to get to the point where he can have a butt plug in Stiles for an entire day without extreme discomfort. He is training Stiles. 

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