Turning around to face me, I noticed Ron's lacy dress robes and nearly lost it right then and there. He looked miserable as he messed with the lace around the sleeves, but Harry was dressed in a nice black robe, making him look like a true champion. "You two look good." I smiled.

"You, too." Ron nodded, having to look up slightly since the heels made me taller. "Look good, I mean. You look good."


As we headed down the steps towards the ball room─which was really just the Dining Hall─where crowds were forming as kids met up with their dates and went inside, I spotted George from the top of the staircase. Like Ron, his dress robes weren't exactly the best. He had a white collared shirt with a brown vest over it and a black robe over that, all tied together with a strange green bow around his neck, but I didn't find it anywhere near as appalling as Ron's, so for that I was grateful.

"Hello, boys." Parvati and Padma greeted Harry and Ron, their dresses orange and pink with sashes over top.

Looking to Ron, who was her date, Padma swallowed hard. "Don't you look...dashing."

"There you are, Potter." McGonagall walked over. "Are you and Miss Patil ready?"

"Ready, Professor?" Harry asked.

"To dance. lt's traditional that the three champions...well, in this case, four, are the first to dance. Surely l told you that."


"Well, now you know." she smiled. "And might I say you look lovely, Miss Rookwood."

"I'd say so, too." George popped out of nowhere as McGonagall disappeared into the crowd. "Looking dashing, Ron."

Ron groaned. "Oh, shut it."

"Ready to head inside?" George asked, looping his arm around mine.

Feeling my face turn beet red, I nodded and waved to Harry as Ron and Padma entered the ballroom along with George and I. The room looked wonderful, all covered in white with snowflakes falling down. Large lit up Christmas trees sat at the front of the room where the dance floor was, and on the sides were tables with simple yet elegant table cloths.

"It's so pretty in here." I smiled as George and I moved to the side, clearing the aisle as the doors swung open and the champions, along with their dates, walked in. Fleur was with a man I had never seen before, Krum was with Hermione, Cedric was with Cho, and Harry was with Parvati.

"ls that Hermione Granger? With Viktor Krum?" Padma asked as she clapped along with everyone else.

Ron, in utter disbelief, shook his head. "No. Absolutely not."

As the champions took the floor and began to dance along to the beautiful music, the rest of the crowd gathered around, watching as the teachers, like Dumbledore and McGonagall, slowly started to join in. Even Filch danced on the side with his cat.

What really brought a smile to my face was when little Ginny Weasley and Neville stepped out. "Come on." I grabbed George's arm as I stepped onto the dance floor. "Dance with me."

"I don't dance." he tried to fight it, but there was no way I was going to a ball and not having at least one dance.

Chuckling, I pulled on his arm even harder. "Tonight you do. Come on."

Slowly, George gave in and joined me on the dance floor. Taking one of his hands in mine, I placed the other on his shoulder while he grabbed my waist. And just like that, I was dancing with George Weasley.

There were twists and lifts in the dance as everyone moved in sync on the floor, and surprisingly, George and I were able to pick it up decently, laughing whenever we completely messed up and pretending like we knew what we were doing. We pretty much faked the entire thing, but it was okay.

As the music switched to some rock band that I had never even heard of, everyone but Ron, Harry, and the Patil twins were on the dance floor, jumping about and making right fools of themselves.

"Hot, isn't it?" Hermione sat down with us, a smile on her face bigger than any I had ever seen before. "Viktor's gone to go and get drinks. Would you care to join us?"

"No, we'd not care to join you and Viktor," Ron grumbled as a man came by and asked Parvati to dance.

Hermione took a deep breath, trying not to let her evening be ruined by Ron and his foul mood. "What's got your wand in a knot?"

"He's a Durmstrang." Ron came up with an excuse on the spot. "You're fraternizing with the enemy."

"The enemy?" Hermione scoffed. "Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament...is international magical cooperation...to make friends."

"l think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind."

Rolling her eyes, Padma looked to Ron as Hermione stormed off. "Are you going to ask me to dance or not?"

"No." Ron shook his head, causing Padma to stand up and walk off.

As the night drew on, more and more people headed out of the ballroom, leaving just a few couples on the dance floor, including Hagrid and Madame Maxime and Ginny and Neville. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had left quite a while ago, but I just didn't want the night to end quite yet.

George was less foolish than I thought he would have been and it was actually sort of shocking seeing him without Fred by his side. We had seen Fred and Angelina a few times, but other than that the twins were separated for what might have been the first time in their whole lives.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" George asked as we sat at one of the tables, watching others dance, listening to music and just enjoying each other's company.

"Where to?" I asked.


Taking my hand in his, he led me out of the ballroom and through the castle. We turned a few corners, climbed up a whole bunch of steps, but eventually, we got to a locked door. Looking around to make sure no one was there, George cast a spell to unlock the door before opening it wide and letting me enter it first.

It was a room filled with a bunch of magical items, some I had only read about and others I had seen but never dared to try and use. "We're not supposed to be here," he told me, leading me over to the window. "But it's not the things I brought you to see."

Turning to face the window, I came face to face with a beautiful view of Hogwarts as the snow fell down, giving everything a sleek and truly magical look. "Oh, wow." I laughed, pressing my palms against the glass. "You and Fred go searching for views like this often?"

"Well, I-" he started, but stopped when we heard footsteps. Rushing over to the door, he peeked down the steps. "Filch is coming, quick! Ditch the shoes, we gotta run!"

I laughed. "Whatever you say."

Reaching down to undo my shoes, George started to grow impatient as Filch got closer and closer. "Never mind. New plan." he ran over, picked me up bridal style and ran out of the room and down the hall with me in his arms.

"George, this is mad!" I watched over his shoulder as we rounded a corner just as Filch walked into the room we had just been in.

Placing me back down, the two of us peeked to see if Filch was headed our way, which luckily he wasn't. Instead, he just locked the door again before heading back down the stairs. "That was close." George breathed. "Sorry for the rough exit there."

Reaching down, I undid my shoes since they were started to hurt and picked them up. "I think we should go back to the common room now," I suggested, slightly tired and ready to call it a night.

"Okay, just...before we do-"

"Yeah?" I turned back around when George grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him. "What is it?"

Placing both hands on my waist, he looked deep into my eyes, and I knew right then and there what was going to happen. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I closed my eyes as he leaned in.

Then we kissed.

Ineffable | Harry Potter - George Weasley // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now