23 | Sirius Black

Start from the beginning

"Oh, crikey." Hagrid sighed. "It's late. It's nearly dark. You shouldn't be here. Someone sees you outside this time of night, you'll be in trouble. Particularly you, Harry."

Grabbing a blanket, Hagrid covered up one of the more disturbing creatures in the room as a knock came to the door. "With you in a moment!" Hagrid called as he motioned for us to leave through the side door. "Quick. Quick!"

As the men entered the hut, we scurried out the door and behind a large pile of pumpkins. We were listening as they talked about the execution when suddenly Hermione spun around to face the forest. "What?" Harry asked her.

"I thought I just saw...never mind." she sighed. "Let's go!"

Making a run for it, we headed back up the steps before coming to a stop on the ledge where Draco and his goons had been sitting earlier. From there we watched as the man with the black mask swung the blade down hard, separating Buckbeak's head from his body and killing him.

As soon as it happened, all the crows in the area flew off, squawking in the process. Turning towards each other, we all hugged, spending a few moments to mourn for the poor Hippogriff.

"Ow!" Ron gasped, dropping Scabbers to the ground. "He bit me. Scabbers."

"Ron. Ron!" we called as Ron ran after his pet rodent, but before long we ended up chasing after him. Heading up and over a hill, we saw Ron on the ground with Scabbers as they sat in front of a large tree.

Hermione swallowed hard. "Harry, you do realize what tree this is?"

"That's not good." Harry shook his head, staring up at the Whomping Willow. "Ron, run!"

Looking up, Ron's face filled with fear. "Harry, Hermione, Yavana, run!" he pointed behind us at a giant black canine. "It's the Grim!"

Taking off at a sprint, the dog jumped over us before grabbing onto Ron's pant leg and dragging him away. "Harry!" Ron cried as the animal tried to pull him into a large hole in the ground, which was probably its home.

We tried to grab Ron, but we just weren't fast enough and ended up watching as he disappeared into the darkness, screaming for help all the while. To top things off, the Whomping Willow tree decided it wasn't having any of us and used one of its branches to smack us away.

Linking hands, we waited a few seconds before charging for the hole again, dodging in and out of the pesky tree branches as it tried to hit us. "Duck!" Hermione warned, but Harry was too late and ended up getting side-swiped.

Then Hermione got picked up by one of the branches and swung around in the air. Looking to Harry, I noticed that his glasses had fallen off and tried to help him, but in the second I wasn't paying attention, I was smacked down as well.

Eventually, Hermione jumped out of the branch's grasp and we all slid into the hole, which was dark and dirty, but that was to be expected. "Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asked, helping Harry and I stand up.

"I have a hunch." Harry brushed off his pants. "I just hope I'm wrong."

Following the tunnel, we found ourselves coming up through an open hatch and into a house of some kind. It was old and dusty inside, which sent shivers up my spine. "We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione looked around.

"Come on." Harry followed the trail on the floor where the dust had been wiped away, most likely due to Ron being dragged across it.

Together we headed up the stairs and into a room, where we found Ron, who was still holding Scabbers, sitting on a dirty couch. "Ron." we ran over to him.

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