And on the other hand y/n was shoved in the car by her friend Yohan. He was the only sober one among them. Y/n stared at the night sky. The last thing she saw before falling asleep is the nearly exposed full moon.

Taehyung's POV

A bit drunk huh? You should thank me that I saved your face. "Taehyung-ah, can I come with you too?" Jimin asked. I nodded and asked, "Shall we ask others too?" Jimin nodded in response. "How many days do we have till the interview of ARMYs?" Jimin asked. "Isn't it after we return to Seoul? And the last date of applying is 3 more days." I replied. "Oh." Is all he said before laying on the white bed.

I lifted my suitcase and put it in the side of the room. I opened the window as fresh summer breeze came through it. I looked up at the sky. It's almost time for the New Moon. I picked my phone up from the bed as it was buzzing.

Y/n: V...

Y/n: Are you okay?

Me: Wae?

Y/n: I saw you cried at the end of the concert.

Me: Yea :) I couldn't hold it back in.

Y/n: Was that happy tears?

Me: Yea :) Finally we covered up the Western concert which was almost ruined because of me. And ARMYs seemed to be happy and loud today.

Y/n: ARMYs are always happy when you guys are happy. Don't forget that Taehyung. I'm not saying this just to console you, this is fact and I'm saying it as an ARMY.

Tae: I always wish ARMYs are happy. That way all my sacrifices feels worthy. That way only supportive Love feels like it's enough to live a happy life.


Supportive love? Ah. I forgot they are Idols. Some humans on earth who can't even afford to have a private life or a Romantic Love. Why do I feel this sharp pain in my chest?

Me: I'm sure this was one of the best moment of their lives.

Tae: I hope so too :D

Me: I've to get ready now. Ttyl :)

Tae: Bye~

I placed the phone on my desk and took out an outfit. My head kinda feels okay. I've to go to that Korean language class and then Art class. I noticed some of the students in my Korean class are ARMYs. Maybe they also applied for that.


"Can you wait for a minute I've to take this call." The teacher said in Korean and we nodded. I took out my phone to text Ayu. I think something big happened. She always tells me everything unless it's too uncomfortable for her. I wonder what shit she's going through.

"Did you see this Hannah?" Asked a blonde girl beside me to her brunette friend. They have BTS bags that means they're ARMYs. I might as well eavesdrop. "Yeaa. Like wth is wrong with him?" Said Hannah."Ikr. He's so pathetic. I wonder why people even like him." Said Blondy. Who are they talking about?

"Idek. Like why tf is he crying when it was his fault from the beginning." "Yea. Like how pathetic. BTS would be a better group if Taehyung wasn't there." "Ikr. Poor people who had to go through that concert."

Wtf? Wtf are they saying? Have they lost their minds? I couldn't stand their bullshit. Here Taehyung was so guilty for no reason and this shits. Because of them He cried. "What the fuck is your problem huh?" I spatted out with anger. "Who the hell are you?" Said the blondie. "Look at her Tata keychain she's Taehyung biased, Sofia" Said Hannah and laughed. I wanna slap the smile out of her face.

"Do you even know how hard it is for him? Someone's sick. He didn't do it intentionally. He COLLAPSED for God's sake. How is it pathetic huh? He's only Human he CAN get sick. And it's not like they didn't give a refund. Do you even know because of shitty ARMYs like you our fandom is rotting which is hurting BTS." I screamed at their faces. If they can't understand Facts then there's no reason of talking to dogs anymore.

"What the fuck is wrong with you huh? If you can't sink in people's opinions then go kill yourself. And if he's so sick then who told him to come to the stage and ruin the concert? If it's so painful tell him to step down. We never told him to join BTS anyways." said Sofia. "You're a curse to the Fandom do you know that?" I said. Enough controlling myself.

I got up and threw their bags on the floor and sat on their desk. "Bitch nobody asked you to pollute the fandom. The rule to be an ARMY is to love the 7 of them. Get lost if you can't do that. No one wants pussy traitors like you." I spat. Hannah was about to slap me but I grabbed her wrist and twisted it. "Don't even try bitch." I glared at them. They don't know how strong I am do they? I didn't spend my childhood watching Barbie.

"YAH" screamed Sofia. "The teacher said class is over Y/N. Do you still wanna hear dogs barking? People who are so dumb to understand facts isn't worth talking to. All they can do is pollute the environment." Another ARMY said. So I threw Hannah on another seat. "SO TRUE" screamed two girls behind us.

I grabbed my bag as I looked at them dead in the eye. Hanna was sobbing and Sofia just glared at me when I walked out if the class.

The next Night~

I was staring out the window. It was the full moon night. I still can't believe it's been 1 month since that day I met Taehyung. I wonder what he's doing.

Tae: I've landed btw.

Can he read my mind or something? I closed the window and sat back on my bed.

Me: Are you free now?

Tae: Have you ever thought of Suicide?

Me: I've attempted suicide before. But didn't die. Why? You aren't thinking of something stupid right?

Tae: My life is too short to end it by myself. Promise me Y/N you won't do that again.

The way he demanded, there's no way I can deny. He has so much effect on me that I myself don't even know. It feels like I'm infected by Kim Taehyung.

Me: I promise.

Tae: Open the Window.


My heart started thumbing again. My whole body stopped as I processed what he said. I turned around to open my window without even answering the questions my Brain was throwing at me.

And there he was. Standing like a Fallen Angel.


To be Continued 🌖

To be Continued 🌖

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