Just an entire chapter of the muskateers dragging Raymomd

Start from the beginning

Bennett walked up to Raymond. He stood there for a couple seconds before punching him in the jaw.

"Why did you wait?" Asked Declan

"The element of surprise" Bennett answered brushing down his clothes.

Jordan high-fived both of them whilst Raymond was still clutching his jaw in front of them.

"Don't touch Naomi again" Bennett threatened as he led the other two out of the school.


Raymond had two hands on Naomi's wrist.
"Let go Raymond" Naomi spat. Raymond chuckled slightly.

"Oh you'd like that Nerdy Naomi" Raymond tightened his grip.

"I'd like you to find one person who wouldn't like that" Naomi shot back

"Don't you have something to say to me?" He snarled.

"Ok ok ok, I'll admit..." Naomi dragged her eyes up to meet Raymonds. "You're a bigger idiot than I thought you were".

Jordan high-fived Naomi over Raymond's shoulder.



Bennett leaned against the lockers as the four of us huddled together talking. "Idiot at 12 o'clock" Jordan muttered, causing the rest of us to turn to see Raymond walking towards us.
"What do you idiots think you're doing" He sneered nodding to the lockers behind us. I suddenly realised who's lockers they were, but I wasn't about to move after his snarky tone.
"And then the cow said-" I paused until Raymond decided to say something.
"What are you doing?"
"What are you doing" I finished smiling sweetly at him. Raymond instinctively raised his first but three looks his way had him turning around and stomping off down the corridor.
Jordan high-fived me as the cow disappeared from sight.


Declan leaned his neck either side until he heard it crack. He was stood in the parking lot waiting to see if the five people he had challenged earlier that day could muster up enough courage to face him. He checked his watch, it blinked 3:28 back at him. He snorted, yet another day where no one was stupid enough to take him on. Declan was about to pick up his jacket from the tarmac when he heard somebody approach him. Raymond was there with what seemed like 10 other people, maybe it was the entire football team, it was hard to tell. Declan shrugged. All he had to do was beat up Raymond and the rest would eventually leave.

"You ready?" He asked.
"Ready for what" Raymond spat back at him. Declan tolled his eyes. As if he didn't know by now.

Declan decked Raymond. He was right, all his cronies did was watch, none of those people were his real friends.

Jordan jumped out from behind a car and high-fived Declan as Raymond lay clutching himself on the ground.


I sighed, idly playing with the food on my lunch tray,- the library closed down today for renovations. Since they weren't getting enough people into the building, they thought temporarily closing it to change up their look would help. I rested my head in my hands wondering how long the library would be shut for and how long I'd have to use the school's library for. Jordan sat down next to me placing his lunch tray next to mine.
"Aww, naomiii, you look so sad" he said frowning. I nodded half heartedly. Jordan put an arm around my shoulder.
"You know what I do when I'm sad?"
"Eat your feelings in vanilla ice cream?"
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that, I meant make fun of Declan, you try - it always cheers me up" Jordan said sympathetically. Declan flicked half his lunch tray straight into Jordan's hair.

"You. Did. Not." Jordan growled out chucking his lunch tray towards Declan. He quickly ducked as the tray flew through the air... and straight into Raymond.

The entire cafeteria burst into hysterics as Raymond turned around and began walking towards our table. Jordan then launched Declan's tray through the air, landing straight in Raymond's face.

Jordan high-fived himself.

A/N hope you enjoyed these mini one shots :)

- Neerac12

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