Nomi and Domi

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A/N Sorry! This is a very short chapter but I can't believe I haven't had one about domi yet, so here it is.
Also, as a reminder there is going to be a Christmas themed one shot coming up! So, without further ado... Nomi and Domi! (With a surprise guest a long the way...)

I pulled on my purple gloves and scarf and ran head first into the park. Domi trailed behind me.

"Nomi, slow down!" He yelled at me adjusting his gloves.

I began rolling the snow into a ball first. Soon enough I was balancing on top of domi's hands as he gave me a step up to the top of the snowman. I placed the hat onto the snowman's head and smiled at myself.

"I c-can't hold you u-u any longer" stuttered domi trying to keep me up. "Just hold still" I answered. I held my breath as I readjusted the hat. Just like that domi's grip broke away and I fell on top of him. We were on a slope meaning that we ended up rolling down the hill. Both red faced and screaming we screwed our eyes shut and tried to take in the blow. But somehow we didn't crash. "OH" yelled domi
"MY" I screeched eyes open
"GOD!" We belted in unison.

Before we came face to face with the tree there was a natural ramp camouflaged by the snow. Snow built around us like we were becoming snowmen too. Our round builds moved faster

And faster

And faster until...

"DOMI!" I yelled reaching for his hand as our snow broke apart and we shot off different ways. I stopped but he just kept rolling. That's when I saw it.

The sledge.

I jumped on and set off full speed ahead. "I'm coming for you" I yelled down at domi who was crying an ocean in the snow. In this weather I was surprised it didn't freeze.

After an epic chase through the park. We both ended up together. We locked our gazes and both silently promised to go back home together. "Naomi, Dominic!" Yelled Raymond from afar. We all ran into each other throwing snowballs and yelling out snarky remarks.


"My mum has hot chocolate!" Raymond tempted Domi. You could see Domi's mouth was watering but he still blatantly refused. "I'm going to Nomi's house!" He declared. Raymond held back tears, he wanted domi to play with him at his house. I looked at the two boys and shook my head. "I asked first!" I butted in "that's why domi has to go to my house"

"B-but" Raymond turned from sad to annoyed. "That's not fair you're always with nomi!" He stared at me spitefully. Domi was about to protest but I stopped him.
"Fine, you can only come to my house if you bring your hot chocolate" I crosse my arms waiting for a response.
"Deal" Raymond looked at me eagerly.

"To Nomi's house!" Instructed Domi marching past us.

Raymond and I trailed behind him.  If Domi left no way would I be friends with Raymond, he's the only reason I tolerate him. None of us spoke on the way to my house but none of us minded. When we got there, my mother had a huge grin plastered across her face as she held a large plate of brownies and cookies and gingerbread men. All our mouths opened, watering as we stared at the feast in my mom's arms. Domi stubbornly shook his head and crossed his arms. "You need to bring your hot chocolate otherwise no brownies"

Brownies were my mom's specialty.

"B-but" Raymond started
"Don't you worry about that dear, I can whip up some hot chocolate in no time" smiled my mum giving him a brownie "why don't you wait in the kitchen and I'll be there in a minute"
Raymond sprinted to the kitchen eagerly anticipating the hot chocolate.
"Dominic, Naomi, be nice to Raymond, he's such a sweet little boy, I don't want you two to hurt his feelings ok?" We both reluctantly nodded and joined mom in the kitchen.

"Nomi" Domi whispered "lets do this again tomorrow ok?" I smiled "yeah!"

We both munched on cookies and drank our hot chocolate with Raymond while watching a Christmas movie. Mom walked in a took a picture. "The three amigos!" Mom joked

"No, no! We're the three musketeers!" Shouted Domi

"Nuh uh, we are the three blind mice!" Yelled Raymond

"I'm not blind" fumed Domi sassily.

I struggled to think of  'the three' somethings. There was a moment of silence before I exclaimed "the the little pigs!"

"Oink oink!" Agreed Raymond and the whole room flooded with laughter.

Phew, this is finished! I didn't realise it would take me this long to finish the Christmas one shot so I made this one to fill that gap.. the Christmas one will probably be out before Christmas Day (hopefully). As it's nearly Christmas you can imagine I'm rather busy but I'm on wattpad whenever I have time and that's what counts! (I hope)


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