chunnin exams 5

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Greetings my lovely creatres


After a few minutes the bats came together falling on my back with a small thud.

I couldn't move from the pain. No one was around so that was good I could feel my wound slowly healing since I drank so much from Orochimaru's blood. I didn't waste any time when it was healed I ran through the forest to find the other scroll. It was time to finish this stupid exam and stop playing around.

The first group I found didn't even hear me coming. I sliced through the air with quick moves until all three of them were on the ground not dead but slowly bleeding. I searched all of them until I found the scroll but I already had the same scroll. I growled and ran again in the trees to find the next team.

With the second team I had more luck. They simple surrender after seeing that all the blood on my body wasn't mine and threw their scroll towards me. I couldn't say they were cowards, I could say they were smart. They could take the exam again next year but I am sure the wound I'll leave behind on them will hurt too much for a damn scroll.

So I smiled allowing them to see my fangs. I was sure I looked demonic with all the blood on my clothes, my eyes flashing red and the sharp fangs showing. "Thank you" I said and did a dramatic bow and left them behind as I ran to the tower.

As I placed down the scrolls with a puff Kakashi appeared.

"Well done Rubin-chan." he smiled

Did he have doubts that I wouldn't succeed? "Kakashi...." I didn't like that he was smiling at me neither that he placed '-chan' at the end of my name like we are friends.

He seemed to realise that my aura wasn't friendly. He sighted "I already said I am sorry Rubin-chan."

"And what makes you think that everything is now okay Kakashi? After trying to kill me we go back to being friends again like nothing happened?"

"What do you want me to do Rubin? We have a team to take care of. We need to get along." he said firmly.

"Do we now?" I raised my eyebrow challenging him. "Fine!"

I saw his shoulders relax. But then they tensed again with my next words. "So from now on it means that you'll do anything for being friends again?" I smirked and a dark aura was around me.

"Rubin-chan you look scary." he laughed nervously scratching the back of his head.

I walked towards him smirking "Answer me human! Enemies or my slave until I believe you are sorry?" I pointed his chest and then mine.

He fell silent for a few moments. I huffed that's what I thought so.

I turned my back at him and made my way to the door leading inside the building. "It seems that the things between us are going to remain the same."

"WAIT, WAIT!" he screamed

I stopped not turning around my lips twitched. "Fine I'll do whate--ever you want." he mumbled

I didn't turn around until the smile I had on my face that was from ear to ear was replaced with my usual smirk.

"Then let's start by you opening my door Kakashi."

"Seriously?" he asked thinking I was kidding.

"My poor Kakashi." I said through clanched teeth.

He facepalmed himself and opened my door.

"Oh and I need one of your clean shirts and mask, if you didn't notice I am covered in blood and I have a hole on my shirt. A nice warm bath and some new kunais and shuriken please." I passed him.

"Seriously?!?" his eyes widen

"Dead seriously Kakashi!"

He sighted again he did that more lately "Fine..."

"Good keep this up and in a week you I'll approve you as my friend." I tapped his cheeck and continued walking.

He was shocked I think because he reacted after a few seconds. "A WEEK?!?" he followed behind me.

The truth is that I already forgave him. I knew that he let his pride on the side for agreeing to be my slave. I wanted to laugh until my ribs hurt only by thinking he agreed to fast.

And all for being my friend. I felt a fuzzy feeling close to my heart. Huh?!? Wait a minute!! I shook myself mentaly and maybe I even gave me a slap, mentaly. Get a hold on yourself!

"If you do your job well I will even give you an award. I'll buy you the sequel of your porn book. What do you say?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It's not a porn" I think he blushed a little and maybe smiled

"Whatever you say."

And he led me to my room where I had to wait for the other contestants to finish too the exam.

I was the second to arive today well almost night. I saw Gaara with his team when I was going to take a bath but he didn't stop walking he just glared at me with me smirking and closing the door behind me as I got into the bathroom.

Gaara think he can take me on? Well he can damn try it will definately be fun for both of us.

I thought as I stepped into the bathroom cleaning myself from the blood.

Now I just had to wait for the others. I hope Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura be okay.


oh it seems that Rubin starts to feel something other that only lust, hunger, anger and the fun of killing. 

I really pity Kakashi-sensei..... But what can you do Rubin loves to bully others :D


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