Codename: Arcturus pt 2

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Lloyd's p.o.v

I slam my fist into the wall, making a fist size hole in it. "Who's fucking idea was it to lat Kai take the mission." I roar, anger blazing through me.

Dad cups my shoulder, I shrug it off. Wu looks at a map. "We know they plan to launch Project Arcturus tonight. But we need to figure out what it is in order to save him. Think. Think. The answer must be right in front of us." He said.

I rip around, going to the table. "The Overlord's dire wish is to become the Golden Master. Maybe that has something to do with it?" I say.

"Good, Lloyd, but what sense does all of this make? What is Project Arcturus?" Uncle Ronin says.


I hear. "Say what." I said, looking around at everyone. They look at me.

'Pythor is sending a rocket to space. He's going for the Golden weapons.' Kai's voice sounds in my head. A vision of Kai hanging from a rocket thruster enters my head.

"Kai, he's awake. Pythor has hem chained to the exhaust of the rocket. Kai says he's going for the weapons. He's in the ancient city of Ouroboros." I say.

"Go, rescue Kai and bring them down." Dad said and we head out.

Kai's p.o.v

Pulling hard on the chains, Pythor comes up with nindroids. "Hope you like barbecues. We're about to have one!" I growl at hem.

"One barbecued Ninja. Well done, please." He hisses. I snarl, tugging hard on the chains. Nindroids come, antagonizing me. One puts his hand on the spot that I got burned.

I scream as he electrocutes me. Thrashing in pain, blood runs down my chin, staining my shirt. I beg for mercy but there is none. When Cyphor stops finally, I'm left panting, shaking in the bounds.

The chains are removed, Pythor lifts me up. "Say goodbye." He says. I growl, beating my wings and hit hem. Taking to the air, I screech as the nindroids open fire and shred my wings. My arms are chained, my wings have hooks driven in them.

I'm hung by my wings and it sends fire through my body. Growling in rage, Pythor slams his tail into my side. I cough up blood.

Lloyd's p.o.v

We come to Ouroboros, looking around. The ground opens and we fall in, landing on a walk way. I get up, the other's standing. "LEAVE ME ALONE. YOU TIN CANS." Kai's voice sounds.

Looking, Kai is hung at another walk way, Cyphor touch's his back and Kai locks in pain. Pain that grips me hard. I drop to a knee, Cole placing a hand on me.

"We need to save him!" I pant in pain.

Zane points to the control center. "No, we need that launch key to stop the launch command. If the Overlord gets the Golden Weapons, he'll be too powerful." He says, Kai screeches in pain.

Cryphor sees us and he fires at the walk way. I'm the only one that makes it.

Kai's p.o.v

The nindroid that's around me grabs my neck. The grip is tight enough to cut my air off. I gasp, fight, anything. The grip tightens, my eyes roll back and I surcome to the darkness

Sorry love, I'm not gonna be home. Goodbye.....

Cole's p.o.v.

Watching Kai slump in the grip, I slam my fist in the nindroids head. I break the chains, lower Kai and Zane starts CPR. After a minute, Kai gasps, coughing, panting rapidly. Nya hugs her brother, Kai returns it as Lloyd skids beside us.

Sadly, we have to leave Kai, to follow the nindroids to space. Kai slowly flies up to the opening before the rocket takes off.

Kai's p.o.v.

Landing on the sands, mom wraps me in a hug. Father wraps my badly brushed neck and we head to Brog tower.

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