Enter the Digiverse

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Nya's p.o.v

Lloyd and Kai have been captured by the Overlord. A villain who is doing who knows what. Cyrus and Pixal have the Digiverse up and running.

The people came in and started destroying the setup. " We're trying to help you!" I say. The people  stop attacking as Golden and Silver surrounds them.

"Where's all the power coming from?" I ask. Cyrus rolls a little. "Golden/Silver Power. It's already begun. The Overlord has started the transference." I grow worried for my brother.

(On the Mechdragon.)

Lloyd groans as his power is drained, Kai is curled in agony. Lloyd moves away from the glass, collapsing but drags himself to Kai. Kai holds his hand up, Lloyd takes it.

He pulls Kai in his lap, Kai grips his gi. "Hurts." Kai moans in pain. "I know, I know. It hurts for me as well. You have more elements than me so it's worse for you." Lloyd says, groaning at the end. Kai screams into Lloyd's shoulder, nails tearing his gi.

"Soon you will be utterly powerless. And I will escape this digital prison and become whole, and nothing will stop me from becoming the Golden Dragon Master." Overlord says.

Lloyd's p.o.v

Kai growls, he readies a blast, it slams into the glass. "Fuck you basturd." He growls. I smile, even as he's being harmed, my fiancée is still fighting.

I lean on the glass, Kai curls into me. Minutes turn into a hour, Kai's blueish/silver hair turns white/blue. His eyes even turn whitish/blue.

He jerks, hands shaking badly, I hold hem. Kai breaths hard, he slipping into an attack. Kai may have put everything behind hem, but it's come back and full force.

"W..wi..will..w..we..ge..get...get..out...o..of..her......here." Kai studders. I put his head in my neck, Kai's teeth are chattering. I yelp as he accidentally bites me.

He's regressing, and I'll be here to help Kai. I did it once, I'll do it again. Kai pants hard, his body jerks harder. I lock my arms and legs around hem, Kai's eyes roll back and he passes out.

"You are all alone, Golden Ninja. Nothing can save you now." The Overlord said, seeing Kai is passed out.

I in turn snarl at hem. He harmed my beloved, I'll kill hem. Kai whimpers as his hands jerk violently. Nuzzling hem, I want to protect Kai, from anything and anyone that wants to hurt hem.

I look at the Overlord, rage filling me. It hits and in a blinding flash, I'm outside the container, holding Kai. Seeing myself, I look sick.

Kai groans, he opens his eyes, one of them emerald

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Kai groans, he opens his eyes, one of them emerald. "Nooo. I was so close." The Overlord screeches. Opening my new wings, I just a hole in the Mechdragon as it shorts and falls into the sea.

Snarling, I head for land. Coming to a village, the village leader welcomes us. I lay Kai on a bed, he tosses his head, fever gripping hem hard.

My comm link goes off "Lloyd, are you there? Do you read me?" Pixal asks.

"We're here. We're all right." I said and hear a voice that makes me cry tears of joy.

"Son's, where are you?" Dad says

"Dad? You're alive! Uh, we're  not alone. We're in a remote village. Kai's gripped in a fever and his body is raked by a panic attack." I say.

Dad answers back. "Stay where you are, we're picking you up." I smile as the leader comes in. "Ah, good, 'cause, uh, our power's, uh, a little spent." I said as she has Kai drink a bowl of black liquid.

Zane and Cole appear in a few hoirs, I hold Kai in the back of Zane's ship. He's sleeping and I'm not waking hem. My new wings curl around hem and Kai sighs in content.

Kissing his cheek, I settle of a nap as well.


Kai's new look

Kai's new look

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