Codename: Arcturus

988 21 1

Kai's p.o.v

I'm glad to be out the hospital. I'm glad to be home. Well, right now, I'm with Pixal, Zane in Brog tower. I'm in my wheelchair, little Damian in my lap. He and the triplets just finished eating.

As a male, I can produce milk like a woman can. And I refuse to bottle feed my children. Lloyd is at the temple of light giving his power back to the ninja.

My wings ache to be free. Dad walks up "Go, release some of the energy you have pent up." I look at mom, she nods and I open my wings. Leaving through the window, I go along the highway.

(At the tower)

"Jay, Cole and Nya aren't picking up. Sadly Kai's the only one nearest in proximity." Zane says.

"Tell hem to proceed with upmost caution." Ray says sadly. Pixal gets on the comm's.

(With Kai)

My comm goes off, I answer. "There's a Nindroid convoy heading west and General Cryptor is on it." Pixal says. "Cryptor."

"We need you to follow, but not be spotted." Pixal tells me. I go high in the sky, high enough to be mistaken for a bird.

Coming to the convoy, I focus on the plate of the tanks. "Pixal, I have two tanks of jet fuel." I say. "Follow it to see where it goes." I nod, using cloud cover to hide me.

Lloyd's voice cuts in. "I'm away on mission and I return to find my husband is one." He jabs playfully.

"I was just going for a fly to stretch my wings when I got asked for this. I'm high enough to be mistaken for a bird." I said. I lower to just below the clouds.

I see the heading of the convoy. "Guys, we're heading to the ancient city of Ouroboros." I say.

The convoy stops, I see a flash and I bank to douge a dart, a second embeds in my neck. Black spots flash in my sight as I drop, my wings take the blow as I hit asphalt. White in my vision alerts me as I pass out.

Damn you, Pythor

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