Chapter 7

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Unknowns p.o.v.

Landing my ship outside of Four Weapons, I expect my Nephew to be waiting. Walking up, I give our four tone whistle but he doesn't respond back.

Sword out, I walk in, cautiously. The first thing I notice is the dust everywhere. Kai hasn't been here for a while. Going to the forge, a latter is folded on it. Picking it up, I read.

"Hey uncle,

Sorry about not being here to welcome you. I reunited with sis and her friends. I went with them cause it gets lonely here. To find me, go to Ninjago city and look for the Destiny's Bounty. Remember, where ever that ship is flying, I'll be on it.

Your Nephew,
         Kai Smith.

Shaking my head, I smile. Going to my ship, I take to the city. Coming to it, I realize the city is under attack. A spit of light blinds me, covering my eyes, I see people on a roof.

Maneuvering my ship to the building, that's when I see these freaks coming out the stair well. "Hurry, inside." I yell. Grabbing a little boy, I help the mom up as the freaks come close.

Getting to the controls, I take off when the ship is jerked. Looking, one has the ladder. Getting up, grabbing my knife, I cut the ropes. Taking the controls again, I head out. "Head for the beach, I heard that's where the Bounty was heading." One says.

I nod and bank that way. After an hour of flying, we arrive at the beach, a camp set up. Touching down, four people walk over to help. The people get off, I lock the ship down, going to a man in a suit.

"Excuse me, sir." I say. He turns to face me. "Have you seen this boy." I show a picture of Kai, I don't have an updated one of Nya. "Oh, yeah, I know hem. Kai Smith. He's on that ship over there. I'm Lou Brickstone, my son is one of the ninjas." Lou holds his hand out, I shake it, telling my name.

Heading to the Bounty, I hope to reunite with my niece and nephew. Coming to ship, she's a beauty. No ones outside so I go up the ramp. Hearing voices down in the upper deck, I head up there.

Lightly knocking, I open the door. "Hello, I heard I could find the Smith siblings here." I say. The only girl runs at me, Kai covers his mouth, crying. Nya hugs me as Kai finally rolls over. Holding to two, I kiss their heads.

"I've missed you, uncle Ronin. How'd you know we'd be here." Nya says, pulling away. "A little bird told me." I hold up Kai's note. "I'd" I smile, his speech has improved and Kai's not as skiddish.

Green and blue come over, holding a hand out each. "Lloyd Garmadon, I'm Kai's boyfriend." Green says. "Jay Walker, Nya's boyfriend." Blue says. Looking at the two, they stand ferm, I like them.

"Hurt my niece and nephew, I'll skin you both." They nod. I go to the elderly, both nod. "I'm Wu Garmadon, this is Lloyd's mother, Misako, I'm Lloyd's uncle." Wu says, I shake each hands.

"Would you like to stay, be with your niece and nephew." Misako asks. "I'd love to. I'm all the two have, their mother is my baby sister, twins the two of us are. I'm three minutes older." A squeal cuts us off, we look.

Lloyd has Kai pinned, tickling hem. Kai howls in laughter. I smile at the smile Kai sports. Hem being with Lloyd is a great thing.

And I approve, anyone that can make Kai smile has my respect. We watch as Kai wreaths in laughter. Lloyd stops, Kai pants, grabbing Lloyd's collar and kisses hem.

Kai has found his place and has learned to love. He has learned to trust.

Most importantly, Kai has learned to live. And I'll be here to watch the story unfold. Don't worry Maya, I'll protect them till you come out of hiding.

This I vow upon my name.
Ronin Knox.

Uncle of Kai and Nya Smith
Brother to Maya

And I will protect my family.

Ninjago: The Broken Water Master.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ