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Kai's p.o.v (master of fire.)

Training was going great. We are on the deck of the Bounty, training Lloyd to be the green ninja. I throw a ponch, he douges when a bright flash blinds us. A thud sounds as it dissipates.

When we can see again, we're shocked. A boy my age is laid face down on the deck. Zane runs a scan on hem but stops when he growns. Gathering his arms under hem, he lifts his top half off the deck.

Looking around, his eyes are narrowed. That's when it hits, he's me. But, his appearance is wrong. He looks at us then huge white wings unfold, flap and he hovers above the deck.

"Well, that sucked. Where am I. The ships location is what I mean." Kai asks, his voice doesn't have a rasp to it like mine. Kai's voice is smooth like water.

"We're above Ninjago city. I'm you, master of fire." I say. Kai nods "I knew y'alls name, but, my sister is the master of fire, I'm the master of water. And I need to get back. My boyfriend and sensei Garmadon are in danger." Kai says.

We all go stiff, did he just say Sensei Garmadon. "I'm not reviling details, from the looks of it, that event hasn't happened. Now, excuse me, please." Kai takes to the sky, water surrounding hem as he spins rapidly.

A beautiful water dragon forms around hem, a rift opens. Just before he goes in, the dragon dips it's wings in a motion of goodbye.

Kai's p.o.v (master of water)

Coming out the rift, my dragon nuzzles my shoulder. My connection with Lloyd leads me to the Mountains. There I see the two trying to cross a gap.

The two look up as they see my shadow, Lloyd hoops and howlers in joy. Dipping my wings, Lloyd pulls me close, kissing me. "Where'd you go." He asks.

"I was sent to a realm where I was the master of fire and Nyawas the Samurai X. You were still a little kid." I tell. Garmadon pats my shoulder. "Good to have ya back, Kai. It's been lonely without my second son."

I smile, even though me and Lloyd aren't married yet, Garmadon and Misako consider me a son. "Now than, let this be a lesson for you Lloyd. Center yourself and move the mountain with your mind." Garmadon says.

Echo comes up, he bro hugs with me. I swear, he's more human than Zane. "What? Move that? Are you kidding?" Lloyd said, looking at the mountain.

Garmadon nods. "Find your balance. Concentrate." Lloyd closes his eyes, he tries to move the rocks into a bridge, failing to do so. Lloyd goes to give up when I touch his shoulder.

Rising my hand, I imagine how Cole moves the rocks on his own and slowly the rocks come back. I move and shape them into a bridge and they stay. Lloyd pulls me close, kissing me hair. "How'd you do that." He asks as the three walk up the bridge.

"I imagined I was moving the rocks like Cole would. We have the four primary elements inside us. But I have the secondary elements." I explain.

"Meaning it's harder for Kai to do just one element. He has to practice more than you, Lloyd." Echo says.

We keep going, coming up on a huge mountain. The three start climing. Halfway up, Lloyd looks at his father. "Wish you still had four hands? It would've come in handy." Lloyd said.

Garmadon smiles. "Your potential is great, not your sense of humor." He said, shaking his head.

I smile, flying to the top. "Heh, heh, heh. Still won't let me use the Golden Dragon?" Lloyd asked.

I answer this time. "Still won't. If you want to harness the power of the First Spinjitzu Master, you must focus on your balance, and find your center." I say, lowering and kissing Lloyd's cheek.

"Your the one to talk, you have wings, babe." Lloyd said. "Wings that are getting tired. I don't have my wheelchair." I say, going to a ledge and sit on it.

Lloyd sees a ravture and looks at it. "Uh, dad?"

Garmadon looks. "A ravture youngling, don't touch it, it needs to learn to fly on its own. Keep climbing, slowly." He says, continuing to clime. The ravture falls and Lloyd catches it.

"What have you done? It's going to know someone has touched its young!" I say, knowing about Ravture.

Lloyd looks at me, gulping. "It? Who?"

Garmadon looks up, he scans the sky as I do. "Daddy. . . ." We say simultaneously.

Papa flies around, Lloyd tries to reason. "He was going to fall. I was trying to help." I swoop down, going to Lloyd's side.

"Unless you speak ravture, there's no use trying to explain. Hurry! We need to climb to shelter!" Garmadon sees a lower ledge. "There!" He climes to it.

The Ravture young falls again, Lloyd saves it. "You're not gonna fall on my watch!" He said. I look up as papa circles around.

"Your compassion is not helping." Garmadon said, I dive as papa does. He hits Garmadon and sensei falls.

"Dad!" "Father" me and Lloyd call out.

Garmadon catches himself, I dive to his side. "I take it back. I do want my four hands." He says. "Ask and you shall receive." I said.

Garmadon reaches out for my hand, we never see it coming as papa Ravture slams into us.

"Dad, Kai no." Earth meets us as Lloyd finds his center. "Love, you just moved a mountain." I said seatted on the earth.

Echo comes up from where the Ravture had hit hem. His shoulder is sparking. Flying up, I fix his shoulder and Lloyd makes stairs in the mountain. "After you dad." We start heading down.

The falcon comes giving a message. They said the stranger was a white serpentine. I remember the figure, he's the one that shoot me.

Garmadon touches Lloyd's shoulder. "We must not go back, but forward. Hiroshi's Labyrinth: miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest." He says.

Echo smiles. "Okay. Let's get lost." He said and we head for the Labyrinth.

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