"To be honest...not really," Peyton replied, "I was enjoying having Tig back and now they are taking him away again. I just miss having the whole crew together, like we should be." 

"I know, but he will be out before you know it," Tara replied with a small smile, "Maybe even before the wedding..." 

Peyton rolled her eyes. 

"Now that's just wishful thinking," Peyton scoffed, "There will be no way that he will be released in the next six months." 

"Well you never know," Tara replied, "Maybe Tig will be an extra special good boy so that he can get out in time for the big day!" 

Peyton just laughed at her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.


Peyton hopped out the truck a little while later and walked up the driveway to Gemma's house. When she walked through the back door her boys and Jax and Tara's boys were squealing through the kitchen and Gemma and Nero were sitting at the island in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Hey sweetheart," Gemma said smiling at her, "I wasn't expecting you back so early. Jax said Tig was going back to Stockton tomorrow morning so I just thought you would spend more time with him." 

"I think losing $150.00 to him and Happy while playing poker was enough time spent," Peyton replied happily, "I swear those guys rigged the game."

Peyton walked over to Gemma and gave her a quick kiss and then moved over to give Nero a hug. 

"Hey Nero," she said happily, "How are you?" 

"I'm ok baby girl," he replied, kissing her on the forehead, "How are you and the little ones doing?" 

He reached out and placed his hand on her tummy. 

"Not very active today," Peyton replied, "The occasional kick here and there, but nothing compared to most days. The morning sickness, or all day sickness I should say, has dissipated a little so I don't constantly have my head stuck in a toilet." 

Nero and Gemma laughed. 

"That just means that your babies are growing and very healthy," Gemma exclaimed, "I would know, Jax was a terror that way. I had horrible morning sickness when I was pregnant with him."

"How were the boys?" Peyton asked them, "I hope they were good for you." 

"They were angels, like always," Gemma replied happily, "I was actually going to ask if I could keep them overnight? Jax and Tara are having a night to themselves and I have Abel and Thomas and they asked if Evander and Darcy could have a sleep over." 

"Are you sure?" Peyton asked her, "Four boys five and under, overnight... that's a lot of work." 

"I can handle it sweetheart," Gemma stated, "I look after eight men on a regular basis. This is nothing." 

Peyton laughed and Nero rolled his eyes. 

"Sure, I don't have a problem with it," Peyton said, "The boys would love that." 

"Perfect!" Gemma exclaimed.

They stood in silence for a moment when Nero cleared his throat. 

"Peyton, do you have a minute?" he asked her. 

"Of course," Peyton replied, smiling at Nero, "What's up?" 

Nero reached for her hand and she grabbed it, curiosity taking over. 

"Come to the garage with me," he said excitedly. 

She smiled as they made their way out the back door to the garage with Gemma hot on their heels. Peyton had no idea what was going on, but based on how excited Gemma and Nero were, she was excited to see what Nero had up his sleeve.

Home is Where you will Always BelongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon