Part 24

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Week and a Half Later

"I want to make love to my wife," Justin growled at her, "You better not turn me down Peyton. You know what I'm capable of if I don't get my way." "

Justin, I don't have the energy," she pleaded trying to push him off of her, "I'm so tired, please don't make me do this!"

Peyton heard Justin's zipper unzip and the next thing she knew he had pushed himself inside her as hard as he could. She screamed in pain as he continued to thrust hard. He put his hand over her mouth. 

"Shut the fuck up," he growled as he continued to rape her, "I'm capable of killing you sweetheart." 

There was nothing she could do. She was absolutely powerless to stop him and she couldn't move her body at all.


"Baby," Juice whispered. 

Peyton's eyes shot open and she sat up straight in bed. She gasped a couple times as the tears streamed down her face. 

"Another nightmare?" Juice asked, "that's 4 nightmares this week."

The tears continued to flow from her eyes and she couldn't stop her body from shaking. The nightmares got more and more real each time she had them. She could feel his hands on her skin, his lips on her neck, on her lips, she could feel him inside her. The pain was excruciating. It was almost as if it was a memory or a flash back and not a dream at all. She turned and looked at Juice, her eyes wide and filled with fear.

"Baby girl," Juice said, reaching out to touch her face and wipe the tears from her cheeks, "Why won't you talk to me about these nightmares you have been having?" 

She turned and looked at him sadly. 

"Because I don't think they are nightmares," Peyton whispered, her body shaking badly. 

"What do you mean?" he asked. 

"These dreams I'm having," Peyton started, scared of the realization that she was slowly coming to, "I don't think they are dreams at all. I think they are memories. I think I'm having flashbacks of something horrible that Justin did to me."

She could see that Juice was getting frustrated, but she just didn't know how to explain it to him. She didn't know how to put her realization into words.

"Peyton, you need to tell me what happened," Juice pleaded with her. 

"The last time he put me in the hospital," Peyton began quietly, "The time right before I ran away and came back here. The doctors sent me home and I was on some pretty heavy pain killers. But after a few days of being at home with him, he had made life so much worse for me that I started taking the pills to make myself forget." 

"Jesus," he whispered, looking over at her. 

She looked at him and saw the pain in his eyes, which probably reflected the pain in hers, and her heart broke. 

"Each time I have this dream or nightmare, there is something new added to it," Peyton said quietly, "Juice, I think that what I'm remembering is Justin raping me just days before I ran away to Charming. When he noticed that I was at my lowest and relying on pain medication to get me through, he started taking advantage of that."

Juice balled up his fists and stood up. She watched as the sadness disappeared and the anger quickly took it's place. 

"That son of a bitch," Juice growled as his fist made contact with the wall. She jumped when she heard a loud crack. "Fuck," he mumbled, shaking his fist in pain. 

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