"Ok, I'll give it a shot," Peyton replied smiling up at her doctor, "Thank you for all your help." 

"You're welcome Peyton," the doctor replied smiling back, "Let's make another appointment for three weeks from now. You can update me on how the pills are working. I want you to try and wean yourself off of them after three weeks." 

"Sounds good," Peyton said as she stood up, "I'll see you in three weeks." The doctor nodded. 

"Take care of yourself and those babies," she stated as Peyton opened the door, "Oh, and just to let you know, the pills I have given you are harmless to the babies so you don't have to worry about that."

As Peyton walked to her car after her appointment she could hear her phone buzz in her purse. She pulled her phone out and looked down at her call display. It was Tara. Her heart began to pound in her chest.


Peyton let herself into Tara's office and sat down and waited for her friend to get there. She pulled a bag out of her purse and put it on the desk in front of her. It contained an old razor of Justin's, that she had stolen from his bag when she was in the hotel room with him. She had taken it to protect herself and then after everything had gone down she just never got rid of it. The bag also contained the razor blade that Juice had thrown out that morning after he cut himself shaving.

She had remembered a conversation that her and Tara had a few weeks back and Tara mentioned that she would need a used razor or hair from a hair brush, if she ever wanted to do a paternity test. Peyton didn't tell Juice that she was doing this. She was planning to tell him once she got the results back from Tara.

A couple minutes later Tara walked in and saw the bag on the desk. 

"So you have decided to go through with the test?" Tara asked her, sitting down in her chair across from Peyton. Peyton nodded her head. 

"Juice doesn't know I'm doing this," Peyton said quietly, "So please don't say anything to him. But it's killing me. I need to know." 

"I understand," Tara replied smiling at her best friend, "I would be the same way if I wasn't sure." 

"I wasn't sure what you would need," Peyton said, "But I managed to get skin or little hair remnants from each of their razors." 

Tara looked at her with an eyebrow raised. 

"You just happened to have a used razor of Justin's?" Tara questioned. 

"I took it from his bag when he kidnapped me," Peyton replied, "I know it sounds far fetched, but I needed something to defend myself with... although he knocked me out before I had a chance to use it." 

Things got silent and awkward after that and Peyton wasn't sure what to say.

"We just need a blood test from you now," Tara said after a couple minutes, "And then we should have the results in about a week or week and a half. Are you going to tell Juice once you find out?" 

"I do plan on telling him," Peyton replied, "I just needed to do this on my own."


Peyton was brought back to the present as her phone continued to buzz in her hand. She pushed the button to answer it. 

"Hi Tara," Peyton said quietly, "What's up?" 

"Do you have time to come to the hospital?" Tara asked, "I got your paternity test results and I don't want to read them over the phone." 

"Sure, I can be there in ten minutes," Peyton replied feeling like she could puke up everything she had eaten that morning, which wasn't very much. 

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