150 ~ to our home

Start from the beginning

"Well thanks..." The blonde mumbled. "... asshole."

Lisa frowned, sitting up as a few stray tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and migrated to her cheeks. Wiping them away quickly as she moved to the foot of the bed.

"Sorry..." She whispered. "I'm sorry."

Roseanne badly wanted to call her a cunt, lash out, but she simply sniffed and stared Lisa down from across the bed. Sitting up now too as she watched the Thai, her wife, hang her head.

"I only had my offer accepted two days ago. I'm sure I can still back out..." Lisa sniffed. "I knew you'd be mad if I bought it without you, I did, but it felt so perfect and- and I thought it'd be a nice surprise... like a belated wedding gift."

"You're a jerk, knowing I'd hate being cut out of this process." Roseanne fired back. "Especially with how excited I've been, showing you homes. Did it mean nothing to you? Were you annoyed from the start?"

"No." Lisa turned to her. "No, the opposite in fact."

Roseanne quirked a brow.

"I took every word you ever said to heart. Every detail you liked, the ones you didn't. I wrote them all down." Lisa stood up and went to her desk, reaching in the cubby and pulling out her high school journal.

She tossed it onto the bed and waited for Roseanne to reach for it.

"Go ahead, see for yourself. It's on page 23, past all 3,433 love confessions for you."

Chaeyoung ignored the stupid remark and skimmed past, what actually did appear to be essays mentioning her name, to a page that consisted of an organized list.

• Rosie likes pools that "aren't plain rectangles" (that's so specific like ??? C'mon babe. Work with me here)
• no rustic! Makes her think of zombies?
• contemporary modern, but with use of bright colors inside (It's okay to admit you like rainbows hun)
• large driveway with a gate (ohhh fancy)
• separate fridge and freezer! ("you can store more snacks that way" - a goofball)

Roseanne laughed. She was mad, hurt, sad, and yet, Lisa still made her laugh. What made her laugh more was the fact she distinctively remembered telling Lisa that, and how she wasn't even sure if the Thai had been listening, as it was during airport departure.

The thought made her sad. Because now she knew, Lisa was and always is listening to her. Taking everything into consideration. Just silently.

She's barely even scratched a dent in the list, but she's seen all she needs to. Her storm of emotions calming as she closed the journal and looked to Lalisa.

"Well?" She sniffed. "Are you going to scoot over here and show me the house?"

Lisa smiled softly at the practical pout as she pulled out her phone. Loading up the link to the listing while doing what she was told, and scooting over to Roseanne. Her wife snuggling into her as she wiped her eyes and reached for the phone being passed to her.

She sat quietly as she watched Rosie's face. Her love taking her time as she surveyed each pic available to view. Zooming in on certain aspects and swiping past others completely.

Anxiety began to bubble in her chest as Lisa noticed the lack of emotion on Chaeng's face. Realizing if she didn't like the house she chose, let alone bought, she'd be in deep trouble. Because she bought this place thinking it was perfect. Thinking she was hitting all the marks.

And if she was wrong in her choosing? Well, that would mean she doesn't know her woman like she thought she did. And that would be a problem.

Roseanne looked to Lisa, biting her lip as she handed back her phone. Her wife glancing from her eyes to the phone several times before clearing her throat.

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