Chapter Thriteen

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Maybe I should tell him that I only suspect the headquarters to be around here, and I don't know for sure.
He seems to believe that we actually know the location of their base.
Better crush his hopes and dreams sooner than later.

One glance at his stormy features make me change my mind. Okay, I can crush his dreams after I get some food into his system.

"Ooh! Look at this adorable cafe!" I chirp, yanking the steering wheel to the right.

"Cafe? I'm coming in with you this time, we do not need any more random mugs or bags of coffee."

"Ye of so little faith, you don't know that I would have grabbed a bunch of stuff! I can be quite money-conscious!"

He looks at me skeptically.

I unbuckle, than take Fluffy out of her seat.
She's sniffing the air, her tail lashing back and forth.
"Are we gonna get Fluffoo some food? Yes we are gonna get fluffy some food!" I coo in my best baby voice.

Makoa covers his face with his hands.
"Somebody save me from this crazy cat lady."

I ignore him, walking towards the cafe. Just as I'm about to go in I hear some annoying girl screaming in the most annoying voice. She is just asking to be slapped in the face.
The girl storms out of the cafe a moment later, trying and failing to slam the door and almost knocking my cheeze-its out of my hands.
I flip her off (because why not?).

She stumbles over a rock and I give her a weird look, turning my attention to the adorable girl looking at me with amusement.

"Hi, welcome to Joey's. Sorry about that!" She laughs a little and shows us to a table.
I catch a glimpse of a candy cane in her pocket and am half tempted to ask her if she has anymore.

Every season is candy cane season.

I set Fluffy in the seat next to me but she hops onto the table and sits down, majestically curling her floofy tail around her paws.

Makoa glares at me, mouthing something about bat banners? Mad matters?
Bad manners!

"Normally I'd say we have a no dog policy, but it doesn't say anything about cats..." the girl trails off, looking at Fluffy in confusion.

I grin. "This is Fluffy the Two-Hundred-and-Fiftieth!"

The girl chuckles. "Hi Fluffy the Two-Hundred-Fiftieth."

Makoa's jaw drops, making me smirk.

"Aha! See, someone is a decent person and says hi to my cat!"

He rubs his temples. "Please just order your freaking coffee," he mumbles, looking a few moments away from throwing something.

Hehe maybe I could make him throw something. That would be entertaining....

"Okay..." I look at the menu. So many options! Why not order them all?

"Can I get one of those double expressos, a chocolate latte, ooh maybe a large mocha too—"

"Aren't you hyper enough already?" Makoa cuts in, giving me an I-told-you-so look.

Oh yeah. He had said I wouldn't be able to just order one thing. I hated it that he was right... ugh, I would prove him wrong!

"Fine. Just an extra large double expresso." I say, folding the menu.

"Coming right up!"

But than I see it, on the back, a picture of a delicious, beautiful chocolate chip— the girl is about to walk away!

"Andacookie?" I add quickly, ignoring Makoa's smirk.

"Yep!" She takes my menu and walks towards the kitchen.

"Don't worry, Fluffy, I will share my cookie with you." I say, patting her head. She blinks.

"We are so close to finding Bria... I can just feel it!" Makoa says happily, smiling a little.

I take a handful of cheeze-it's out of my bag.
"About that..."

Makoa's brows draw together in a frown. "Kenya, I swear if this is another one of your stunts..."

"No, no that's not it! I just-" I'm interrupted when the girl comes back, my drink and gorgeous cookie in hand.

"Tips are very much appreciated," she comments with a slight smile.

I reach into my wallet and grab a few bills.
Five hundred.
I grin. This will annoy Makoa. I hand her the money.

Her eyes widen and her jaw drops open the smallest bit.
"That's for being so nice to Fluffy," I explain with a wink.

"Thank you!" She yells, beaming.
I smile at her, and even Makoa cracks a small grin.

She bends down to look at Fluffy. "And thank you Fluffy the two hundred fiftieth!"

She happily walks away, leaving me with my coffee and cookie. Oh, and a annoyed Makoa.

"Look, I'm not exactly sure where your sister is. Like I said, this is just a suspicion. There's no promises she will be here," I take a sip of my drink—delicious.

"We are running out of time, Kenya. I thought you said you were ninety five percent certain she was here."

"Actually I said ninety one point six two... but that's not the point! My point is don't get mad at me if this turns out to be a red herring. I'm trying, I really am."

"I know you are." He says.

"Good!" I grin and break off a bit of my cookie, feeding it to Fluffy.

She purrs, looking like she just made someone's day.


"We are almost there..." I say, chewing my lip nervously.

"The middle of nowhere. Perfect place for a top secret headquarters." Makoa comments.

I snort. "Knowing Sir William it won't be very secret. Actually I would expect it to be some kind of fancy, flashy, place with ancient artifacts, expensive art pieces, gold trim, beauty in every room..."

"So basically the kinda place you would fit right in to."

"Ew, no! Even though I do like my gold... and my diamonds... and art... I much prefer the drab world of the mortals."

"Gee, nice to know my world is drab."

"I haven't seen your house but I can make a very educated guess that it's probably not all that pretty."

He opens his mouth to argue, than thinks better of it. "Yeah, you're right."

"I always am." I say with a smile.

"So, headquarters. How many stories tall do you think it'll be?"

I bite down on a cracker. "I don't know. Tall."

"And will there be horse pulled carriages?"

"I wouldn't put it past them," I continue to drive, keeping my eyes forward.

"Like, really shiny ones with horses of all colors. Ladies wearing clothes from all different eras... one with red hair..."

"Uh, I don't know. Why are you being so exact—"

Makoa taps my shoulder and points in the near distance.


That's most definitely the place.


I was really excited to write this chapter because it features Sophie (the amazing waitress who actually gave Fluffy the recognition she deserves) from alittleorangebanana 's book called 'Buttercup'. She's an amazing writer (and just all around amazing) so I suggest you go check it out!

Love y'all!

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