HIS 27

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"Wait my father wanted to send me to you, why would he do that if he knew you would tell me?"

"I made Marcus believe I wanted you, he would much rather me have you then your mother."

"Why does my father claim my mother so much?"

"Well, they were together but as soon as your mother figured out I was her mate she left him. It seems harsh but the mate bond is so strong. All you want is them, but I'm sure you know what I mean Lara?"

"Yes, me and Max are serious, I miss him a lot."

"Well imagine keeping away from your mate for years and years." I couldn't imagine it, my life has become max, my life is pointless if he wasn't there. I would just be existing without him, not living. I just don't understand why someone could go so far to split a bond up, it wasn't right.

"So where is my fathers mate?"



"Your perfect father, he murdered her believing your mother would realise how much he loved her. But she wasn't impressed, she was scared." How? How could my father play a soft act, he painted himself to be a hero, an amazing man. But all he was, was a liar, a murder, a fake.

"How does my mother not know?"

"A witch. She put a bond over her mind. But eventually it started wearing off. Unfortunately, the witch that cast the spell died, and she took the spells with her. Meaning your mum would start to realise who her real mate was. The spell put on your mother was extremely powerful. You remember when Marcus left for years?"


"He was on a search for a witch, a witch who could cast such a powerful spell, your mother grew depressed am I correct?"

"Yes, she was in a really bad way. I thought she was going to die from heartbreak." I really did think she would die, she didn't eat, she didn't shower. All she did was sob, get angry, I didn't just lose my father I lost her as well. The pain watching my mother will stick with me forever.

"She wasn't missing her fake mate, she was missing me. The spell at this point had worn off almost completely, it was like a puzzle in her mind. The real mate bond had started to set in. She could of died, but fortunately she had something to live for; you."

"So did my father find a witch?"

"Well is your mother sill in Marcus goo goo land?"


"Well there is your answer."

"Listen we've spoke enough, the maids will show you too your room."

"Wait, just one more thing?"


"Why haven't you taken her back, after all these years?"

"I needed a witch, a strong one. To lift the spell, and you my love are the one."

"I'm not strong enough, I'm only half witch."

"I saw your barrier spell, you're a lot stronger then you think Lara."

"So you want me to lift it?"

"Yes I do, our packs can join into one, you won't have to hold the responsibilities at such a young age. I can hold onto the pack for a while, then me and your mother can go away together."

I lay awake that night, thinking how could my mother a witch, be fooled by another witch. It all started to not seem right. But I saw his mark, my mothers initials imprinted into his neck. Just like how my white wolf was imprinted into Max's. Max will be so hurt when he finds out, him and my father have a bond. My father has taught Max everything he knows about being an alpha. This truth will hurt a lot of people. But was I too trusting of this man? I don't even know him and I'm ready to disown my own father, what if a witch had done that on his neck? There was just too many questions spinning around my head. I adored the pretty images of my father, but behind them all was an evil man. I just don't understand how crazy he was, how he wasn't happy enough with his own mate. He had to ruin someone else's. When Max explained the mate bond to me, it sounded so perfect. His words lingered in my mind,

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