HIS 21

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"Max!." I watched as she screamed and thrashed,

"She been shifting for 3 hours, doc what is happening?"

"Well because her wolf was taken away from her, it's not been able to take over every bit of body blood and bone, you see as soon as your born your wolf is adjusting to you, because her wolf has only just made contact with her, its gonna take time for it too take over her, it's one of the most painful shifts a wolf can experience, Im very sorry max but she's gonna be in pain for a few more hours id say."

"Fuck sake doc is there nothing you can do?!"

"I'm sorry max, the most you could do is just be here because a mate will give her comfort I hope."

"Okay, thanks doc." He left the room I looked back at Lara, she was screaming and her bones were breaking back into place then out again. Seeing my lady in pain like this hurts me, I was hoping it'd be easy, but knowing it's one of the most painful shifting makes my stomach twist and my heart ache. I opened the door to the room Lara was in.

"Max." She tried to stand but fell back down, her leg snapping. She cried out.

"Max it's so painful I can't." Her eyes began to water, her bottom lip was bitten to stop the tears that she thought made her weak.
She took deep breaths, and calmed her self but was destructed by her arms that cracked. A whimper left her lips.

"How long Max?"

"Well your wolf has never been in you before, it isn't used to your body, the way you think , when your born your wolf starts to get to know you as a person, but because your wolf was taken it hasn't been able to learn you."


"Lara the doctor said?"

"I've spoken to her before."

"How? You can't have."

"When my dad came home and told me everything that happened.." crack.
She breathed,

"She came into my head, but I'd spoken to her weeks before, a boy voice was in my head called  Tom but it was her, she wanted to disguise herself until my dad told me what I was."

"Lara why didn't you tell me?"

"She asked me not too."

"Have you spoken since?"

"No, fuck!"

"Enough chat for now baby, Lara I'll be in the room next door it has a little window I can see you okay so I'll be here until you shift I promise."

You never get close to a wolf who was shifting as they can lash out, so as much as I want to comfort I couldn't and that's killing me more. She lay in the corner of the floor shaking and screaming. I walked out and the group stood there with worry on there faces,
"She'll be okay she's strong."

"Doc said the pain is 10 times a normal shift."

"Thanks Mikey."


Hours went by and she still hadn't shifted, everyone still sat with me waiting for there Luna.

She hit the floor and screamed her hair covering her face, her skin was red and her body was shaking. She grabbed the bricks out of the wall and threw them against the door, she grabbed the tables and flung them, she cleared the middle of the room and sat back down. Now she'd been screaming and I'd gotten used to it, but this scream she let off made the room I in was in shake, everyone's jaws dropped, the room flashed bright white, and there stood a pure black huge wolf. Eyes red, jaw open, and she was ready to run. But when your on a beach with humans it's gonna be hard to let her do that.

"Let me go tame her."

"Max are you sure?"

"I'm her mate." I walked into the room and she came toward me, she circled me and sniffed me, she dropped down and lay in front of me,

"Right Baby if you wanna run your gonna have to listen to me okay?" She whined in reponse.
I opened the door and she followed me through, she looked at everyone and bowed her head down. They all smiled.
She followed after me, I grabbed mikes keys to his truck and we went into the back, I put her in the truck and put a sheet over her then I raced to the woods. I came to the east wood I drove as further as I could, I came to a wide open of Forest, I raced out of the car pulled off the sheet and she jumped up and ran, I shifted into my wolf, I followed her scent and ran after her.
After a while I'd finally caught up with her , it took 20 minuets, yes 20 fucking minuets.

I watched her very intensely, admiring her wolf, every bit of her was mine. Her wolf was bigger then most female wolves, as she has alpha blood in her, and witch blood but we can find out what that is another time. But she was big, scary looking to others. Her fur was night black, her jaw was big and wide, her legs were strong, she looked like an alpha, which was strange to me, she has alpha blood, but she looks too much like her fathers wolf.

We ran back to van, I shifted. But Lara didn't.

"Lara shift back."
She whined in response.

"Right just picture your human form, your legs, your arms, everything and breathe okay."

She nodded and I watched her, and she was back, and she was naked. She covered herself quickly. I walked toward her and moved her arms,
"So beautiful."  She looked down. I picked her up and carried her to the truck.

"Max I need a top I'm not sitting naked in this truck with you."

I pulled off my top and gave it her, her eyes followed my movement, she bit her bottom lip and stared at my body.

"Like what you see baby?"

"Very." I grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap, can we remember I haven't had her on me naked ever so containing myself is hard.
my eyes were black, I kissed down her neck, her moans followed after, she grabbed my face and lifted it to hers, she connected our lips. My heart thundered against my chest, this angel made me so nervous in the best way, know girl could ever make me feel such love, she was staying forever and ever. I'm feeling so much more then ever before, I wanna give her all of me. Every bit of love that's been waiting to be given, she can have. I've never opened my heart, it's always been shut, it's finally being opened. I'm learning how to be a gentle man.

She pulled me closer, her head sat in my neck. I could sit here for hours with her, I'm content with her company. I put my top over her, I started the truck and drove. Her slow breath Indicated her slumber, (I have no clue if that makes sense allow it babs) I kissed her head smiling to myself, imagining our futures, our pups, I'm in love. The big bad wolf is in love with an angel.

We arrived back, I carried her through the door, everyone jumped up.

"Is She okay?"


"She's fine, she's tired I'm gonna take her to bed she'll be a sleep for a while."
They nodded at me, I carried her to our room and lay her on the bed, I kissed her lips. And wrapped us up in blanket. She cuddled into my side, I sighed with content. Love is a dangerous game.

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