HIS 16

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"Why haven't I shifted?"
"Because of your mother's spell. It stopped you from adapting to our world. The spell has been lifted darling, which means now you will become the person you're bound to be. And I can not wait to see you transform into your
true self."
"What does that mean, will it all come quickly or slowly?"
"Well it depends."
"On what?"
"What bloodline you come from, I'm an alpha so everything will come quickly, but it will be twice as strong as my bloodline is alpha. Max is the alpha to mine and your mothers pack, his parents passed the pack to me, they wanted to live and they still love there pack but it was getting in the way of there happiness."
"Do you accept max?"
"Of course he's like my son."
"Please don't put it like that, me and max are mates, not like those weird brother and sister brazzers scenes. (It's a porn website in case you didn't know.)
"Lara your humour hasn't changed."
"It did."
"Well yes I know, but beauty and maturity radiates off you."

It was weird, the fact me and dad were so close but I realised that a few weeks before he left we were so distant, he was more observed with someone who wasn't even his blood, he cared more about max then he did me. Yes he's back and I'm happy, but does he really care?

'Lara shush you're being ridiculous, he's home be happy, leave the bigger picture on the wall stop trying to analyse everything corner of a problem.'
'Who is this?'
'I'm your wolf Im early I know but I couldn't wait to meet you, I've been here since your father left.'
'What about Tom?' (Tom was the voice in her head a while back check chapter 12)
'That was me, I had to disguise myself you weren't allowed to know what you were, so I had to hide behind Tom'
'So Tom was you, and you had to be pretend to be a man to protect me from the truth."
'Bingo, but Lara you can not tell anyone I've arrived okay, a wolf is suppose to arrive after a shift, but I wanted to meet you badly and then your dad left and when you suffer I suffer. Then you started to get stronger and happier when you met max, so then I became more stable and boom here I am."
'You said so many words so quickly.'
'You'll get used to it.'
(I know it seems abit ott but it'll make more sense in more chapters)

"Lara?" My dads voice rose me from my interesting conversation.
"Sorry I started thinking."
"You were gone for about 3 minuets."
"Oh sorry."
"It's fine, anyway I want your mother, see you later." He ran through the house to find my mother, it's like his love for my mum warmed our home.

I walked upstairs into my room, I jumped down on my bed, I wrapped myself in blankets and sat there thinking about everything. My
life is changing for the good? Or the bad?

"What you thinking about?"
"Everything, this is a big thing max, what if I'm not a good Luna? What if I don't shift and I can't be the person you want."
"Lara I didn't even know what you were before your dad said, but I didn't care. I care about having a mate who I can cherish and take care of, someone who can help me make decisions for the pack. Someone who will tell me to carry on when I'm tired. You really are something Lara, and I'm happy I have you."
I grabbed max and pulled him down on to the bed and straddled him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight. I brought my lips to his, we accepted each other.
"I want you to know I'll never leave you ."
"Music to my ears." He turned to me and said
"I will never leave Lara, even if you tried I wouldn't let you." I laughed and cuddled back into his chest.
Things were good, I felt better. Dad was home, me and mum are sorting things, and I have max. And he wants me know one else.

When dad left my life was turned, I lost my friends but when I walked around school there eyes still followed me. I became so closed up and I only had myself, I was battling everything and now I feel like peace has freed me. Sounds over the top I know, but I felt battered and I've found the things I was missing and I feel happy, I pray it lasts because I don't want to hit bottom again. The sad thing about being at the bottom is, you can't get up. And that's what my life was, I was on the low and I couldn't reach, because I was weak? No because I had fought for too long and I was tired.
But I think I'll be smiling a lot more often I think we can agree on that.

next day
"What time is max picking you up?"
"In about 5 minuets." I carried on eating my breakfast, after a bit my phone started to ring.
"Hey I'm at the front."
"I'll be out in a min."
"Okay." I grabbed my bag and walked to his car, I got in he grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine.
"Well that's a way to wake me up."
"Trust me I know many ways to wake you up." I blushed red and he laughed, he started the car and we drove away.
"How was the party?"
"It was cancelled It's this weekend instead, but how happy I am you asked Lara." How I regret speaking sometimes.
"You have to come lara please, I don't want to go without you we'll look after you I promise please." I contemplated in my head, I mean I'm going through a wolf cycle. Wow that sounded weird in my head. Anyway, could it really be that bad,max will be there I think.
"Okay, on one condition I choose the outfit."
Cat jumped across the table and wrapped her arms around me,

"Cat jumped across the table and wrapped her arms around me,

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She kissed all over my face, I laughed and screamed.
Cat..cat..cat." My muffled voice was hardly taken notice of and she carried on covering my face with her Saliva. She finally stopped and looked at me,
"Lara I love you so much." I smiled and hugged her back
"I love you too." It was nice to feel so included in a bunch of people, they were like family already.
"Cat why is it you're kissing my girl?"
"Jealous brother?"
"Pfft no." He had to be joking.
"Your seriously jealous, it's your sister."
"Yeah of course." I rolled my eyes knowing his tone wasn't serious. I grabbed my bag and walked off. I walked to the garden and sat against a tree.
"Lara.." I looked up and max stood there with guilty eyes.
"I'm sorry, I just get jealous." I stood up angrily.
"Max it's your sister! For crying out loud if it was a boy fair enough. But it's cat, it isn't like we were scissoring on the fuckin table. Max I get it you get jealous, everyone gets jealous but max it's getting extreme."
"I know lara. and I'm sorry it was the silliest thing to get jealous over, it's just your so comfortable with cat.."
"As I am with you, at first I couldn't even say your name without stuttering, now I can't stand not being around you." His eyes lit up.
"Lara I'm sorry really I don't want to hurt you."
He walked toward me and pulled me into his arms, I hugged him back. He put his arm around me and walked me back to the lunch hall. I sat back down,
"Wow max she really does have you." He stuck his middle finger up. I laughed and max kissed my cheek.
"You working this afternoon?"
"No why?"
"Just wondering, want me to drop you home?"
"Yes please."
"Meet me at my car yeah."
"Okay." The bell created world war 3 every time it rang as everyone rushed to there lessons. I nearly fell about 3 times. I arrived to Spanish, as soon as my ass hit my seat, my head was on the desk and I was dead. Flat out. I'm so exhausted and it's draining me.
About 30 minuets into my quite lovely nap someone decides to prod me.
My head rises,
"Yes." I was met with Bens face,
"Lara it's end of class."
"But I've only been asleep for half an hour."
"No lara an hour." I get my stuff and walk so slowly of the room. I had dried dribble on my
cheek, my hair was messy and I was waking at snail pace.

I walked outside and the whole group were sat at there cars, I made my way toward them hoping they didn't mistake me for a zombie.
"Lara why are you like dead nearly?"
"I don't know." I walked to max and jumped onto him, he caught me in time and I snuggled into him and fell asleep peacefully.

guys I am so so so sorry, I've had such bad writers block and I couldn't think of anything, but In this chapter I have just talked about utter shit, I had no clue what to write but I hope it's okay. Sorry guys love you. Keep reading flowers.

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