HIS 24

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Winter was drawing in, things have died down and it's seems quite. Too quite. Me and my father haven't spoke since our disagreement, I've been too busy training. I've started to work on the other side of me, being a witch. Spells are hard, they tire me out. But, if a war is coming I need to be strong, I need to fight
for my pack.

"What you thinking about my love?" A kiss was placed on my head, my heart warmed as my mate slid his arms around my waist. I turned around to him and placed my lips onto his.

"I'm scared max, I want to be strong for this pack, but this war seems big, it's died down too much."

"That's good Lara."

"No, it means he is planning something big, and you know it, and it's all my fault."

"What? Lara none of this is your fault. It's your fathers."

"Thousands could die because of me."

"That's if it comes to it."

"You know it will." He sighed, he lifted me up and placed us onto the bed. I was ontop of him.

"Lara, I will fight till death for you."

"I don't want that, I want to get married have kids with you, not watch you die in a war that has nothing do with you."

"It's my business as soon as your involved." I smiled down at him, pressing my lips against his.

"I love you Lara."

"I love you max."


"What was that?"

"Lara max come quick." My mothers voiced shouted up. I jumped up and ran down the stairs.

"Ben?" He was beaten, bad.

"I have a message for you Lara." I walked over to him.

"He's coming for you, the alpha is coming." I looked back at max, he walked toward Ben.

"How do you know?"

"I can't say."

"Tell me you mutt." He grabbed Ben by his collar.

"I work for him."


"I work for the alpha."

"But we're friends Ben?"

"I was sent to watch you, tell him when you had transformed."

"You bastard." I swung my hand toward him, lifting him off the floor. My mind was clouded with power right now.

"Lara your killing him."


"Mate" I dropped him. Cat came rushing in,

"What the fuck are you doing?" She rushed in front of him.

"Mate." He repeated.
Fuck. This is making things a lot more complicated.

We all sat around a table, me and max sat at the end, cat and Ben at the other end. My mother and father is the middle. It was tense.

"Why did he beat you?" Ben looked up at me, with regretful eyes.

"I told him, I didn't want to work with him anymore. I knew cat was my mate, and I can't work for him while being with her."

"Why couldn't I tell you were my mate at school, why didn't you tell me?"

"I had a witch put a mask scent on me, you wouldn't be able to sense me. I wanted to wait till it was over, till I could get away from him."
My mind was all over the place, I wanted to kill Ben, but I had to let him free for Cat. Max was angry, I could feel his anger radiate around me. I put my hand on his, he looked at me with angry eyes, but the look disappeared.

"Listen, Ben your welcome to stay here." My father spoke, max rose to his feet

"Are you crazy? This is the boy who has been spying on your daughter, informed the alpha about Lara."

"Max he isn't safe out there, it's your sisters mate."

"Come on max, he's my mate."

I agreed with max, we couldn't trust him. But cat looked so happy with him, I couldn't pull that apart. I stood placing my hand on Max's shoulder.

"You can stay, but if I find out your still working for him, I'll kill you." Cat growled out. I slammed my fist down, making the table shake. She stopped and looked at me in shock.

"Our whole family could die because of your mate, think of that cat, I'm doing what's the best for the family."

"What Lara? The family that you've been part of for like 5 months. You can't threaten my mate like that, I won't allow you too. Your not the Luna, your just a hybrid." Her words hurt.

"I think your forgetting I'm the one letting him stay. I don't want to pull him away from you cat, that is the last thing I want to do, but understand if he's feeding the enemy information, that could kill us all. Your brother, your friends, your mate. I'm risking that all for you."

"It's not your decision, your not risking anything, your letting everyone fight for you."

"Who said I'm letting that? I train everyday for hours, I work on my powers for this stupid war, you think I don't worry about that everyday. It's always on my mind. You've all brought me into this world and made me a strong girl, you think I'm not grateful for that everyday? You think I won't fight for you, if you thought that. You don't know me at all." Her
head lowered.

I pushed my chair in and walked away, I placed my hand on her shoulder, she looked up at me.
"I love you cat, I will fight with you, I will fight for you. We're a family." She smiled at me. I walked out the room.

I'm not happy with any of this. This ugly bastard is my sisters mate, he's a traitor.
We all sat in silence, Lara's dad eyes on me.
"What are you staring at alpha." The words came out with anger.
"You've got a strong little mate there, she handled herself beautifully. You've helped my daughter so much max, please talk to her, bring her back to me. Please." I sighed. He was right, them not being on the right side isn't good, although I want to rip his throat out for putting my mate in such danger. I had to fix him and Lara.
I got up and walked out. I searched for Lara. I walked into the forest, and there she stood, her head in her hands. I ran over, I cradled her, her tears released onto my shirt. I rocked her back and fourth.

"I told you max, everyone knows there gonna die because of me."

"Lara that's not true, they love you. They know they fight for themselves, for our pack."

"Cats words hurt."

"Ignore cat, she's young immature, she doesn't understand what's it like to be a leader. She's blinded by her mate."

"I'm not a leader max. I'm not strong enough."

"Are you joking? You lifted Ben up by your mind, you're amazing lara. Think of you 5 months ago. You couldn't speak, you would flinch every time someone spoke to you. You were so broken. And now your a different person. You're an angel lara." Her red eyes looked up at me.

"You think?"

"Lara your so powerful." We sat down together, and we just sat in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"I love you max."  Her voice sounded sad, almost like a goodbye.

"I love you."

Next morning :)

"Lara a letter has come for you." Cat brought it in too me. I put my drink down and opened it.

Lara, my future wife I can't wait for our wedding, my beautiful mate. -TA

I froze.
TA. The man who saved me from that night, the night I attempted to end my life. The man with the green eyes warned me of him. This man has been watching me for months. He knows everything. I can't let max find out about my attempt. It'd make him worry. It'd break him.

"Lara?" I walked past cat, and out to the Forrest. Everyone came out after me. I walked to the entrance. My anger built up, my heart was breaking, I will kill this man, I will take his pack, I will watch this man burn. I let out a scream, the trees in front collapsed. I dropped to the floor, the note clutched in my hand.

The alpha will die

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