HIS 22

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"Boss it's happened."

"Get that son of a bitch on the phone."

Lara pov
I'm now a werewolf, it's weird months ago I was a normal girl, now everything has changed. I've found my soulmate, met a group of people who are family and my dad came home. I mean I'm still pissed he left but he's back now, and it's good especially for my mum. I just hope it all lasts, because I've never felt better.

"Lara you up yet?" I opened my eyes and there he sat; my love. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I stretched my whole body, feeling it all crack.

"How long have I been out for?"

"Just 2 days, your shift was rough." My mind was blank I couldn't really remember much, but I could feel the pain run through my body.

"Was yours that painful?"

"No, doc said that because your wolf was taken from you it hadn't had years to adjust to your human body, your blood, bone all of it. Your shift wasn't a normal shift, your shift was one of the most painful a wolf could experience but you did it love, I'm proud of you, so so proud." I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me, I pressed our lips together, electric took over my body, I pulled him closer if possible and enjoyed every bit of him.

"Lara bitch your awake!!" Max groaned against my lips and pulled away, cat shoved him away from me and jumped on top and engulfed in a hug. I laughed and hugged her tightly.

"Lara!!" I looked and there stood all the people I call family, they all ran in and jumped onto me.

"Guys your crushing me." I heard a few oops, and sorry lara.

After a bit of talking they all went down leaving me and max,

"Max I'm hungry."

"You will be, you haven't eaten in 2 days." I jumped up and ran down the stairs into the kitchen, my stomach growled. I looked through the fridge and saw eggs and bacon I grabbed a pan and cooked it.
I plated it up and sat down at the table and finished it quickly, max came in and looked at my plate.
"Quick, very quick."

"Well, I've packed your case, and everyone is loading the cars."

"We're leaving?!" This holiday has gone too quick minus the 2 days I was out.

"Yes baby, school starts soon and we all need to get back and you need to tell your dad that your now a werewolf."

"Okay." I made a pouty face at max and he walked over and grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Go on I put some comfy clothes on the bed, get changed."

"Okay." I ran up the stairs and went into the room I put on the clothes, ran down the stairs and hurried to Max's side.

"right has everyone got everything?"


"Right well, let's get going." We all left and got into our cars, I got in the front with max and we drove away, I was leaving a new person.

We drove for hours and finally stopped at a gas station, I needed a wee so badly. We stopped and i jumped out and ran to the bathroom, I went to the furthest stall and sat and did my business. The door of the bathroom opened, two pairs of shoes clicked against the floor, I thought nothing of it till they kicked every door down and then came to my stall,
"Hey little Lara time to come out and playy."
My heart beat fast in my chest, they kicked the door; hard. I pushed my weight against it not letting them in. One of them ripped the door off and I was left exposed too two men, big men. So sad they were actually good looking too bad they were obviously not here to impress me with there faces. They grabbed me and pulled me out of the stall.

"What do you want from me?"

"Lara we don't want anything from you, boss wants you."

"Who's boss."

"Shushhh." He raised his finger to his lip and winked.

His fist came to my face, but I grabbed it in time, thank you werewolf abilities.

"She's a wolf, she shifted."
They were having there own conversation, dumb men. I swung my fist against his face and he fell back, the other man swung for my face unfortunately it hit me, and it fuckin hurt. He grabbed my head and smacked it against the wall, he pushed me toward the door, idiot. I grabbed the door handle and opened it and ran, all the group were sat outside there cars, I sped up toward them but they were quick, they grabbed my foot and dragged me, I kicked my foot against them, getting one in the face he fell back leaving the other one. Fuck sake. He grabbed my throat and strangled me, I scratched at his hands, next thing I saw was a big wolf attack him to the floor. Max. People around us screamed and ran to there cars. I lay on the floor getting my breathe back. My eyes went blurry and I was out.
"Max is she okay? Max? Answer me!"

"I think so, she's took a few hits don't worry cat." My head was spinning, my eyes almost felt glued shut, but I finally opened them. I was looking up at cat who was staring at me in concern.

"I'm okay cat." She smiles at me.

"She's up."

"Cat keep her talking." A pain struck over my face, my hand went to my eye, it felt bruised.

"Hey hey don't touch that." I lay my head back down onto cats lap.

"How long till the pack house?"

"5 mins."

Well 5 minuets passed quickly as I was swept up into Max's arms and was taken to a light blue room.

"Lara, I need you to just lie back for me
okay" I nodded my head and looked around at Max and cat.

"Max I don't feel so good."

"Lara.." and I was out again, this was becoming a recurring thing I've realised.

"Laraaaa." It was dark. I looked around,

"Who's there?" I was shoved to the floor, my heart increased.

"Have you missed me my dear." Green eyed guy, brilliant.

"What do you want from me?"

"Didn't we have this conversation a few weeks back? ah anyway I heard you've shifted."

"Yes I have." He snapped his finger and it turned bright. I could see him. He came toward me.

"It hurt, you screamed didn't you, and cried in agony and max didn't even help you, just sat and watched. Pathetic excuse of a mate. Your better off with someone better."

"If your implying yourself Id rather put pins in my eyes."

"Not me you silly girl, your not my type, too chubby."

"Hey I'm not that chubby."

"Someone else wants you, more worthy then that man you call mate."

"What are you talking about?"

"The alpha."

"Max is an alpha."

"No no, I'm talking about The Alpha the strongest bloodline, but you wouldn't know would you?"

"You're crazy."

"No Lara, you are crazy enough to believe that, that man loves you."
He clicked his finger and I was back. 

"Welcome back lara."

Worst writers block atm but I hope this is okay for you all, everything will come together soon x

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