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Lara pov

I looked at him, his cold stare was on Matthew, and I was scared he might hurt him or me. Would he? I've only met him once and I'm scared, that's how pathetic I am.

"I was just being kind to the little freak." Matthew laughed.

"Don't call her that." Max stated his tone low and vicious,

"New boy, you've got nerve I'm one of the most well known guy here, I could ruin you."

"Why would that matter pretty boy? Have you seen me? My existence in this school will ruin you." Max said chuckling.

"I don't have time for you."

"Your time is worth nothing to me." Matthew pushed past Max and sat with the jocks. Max then walked over to me,

"Are you okay beautiful?" He called me beautiful. No one has ever dared too. I make it sound a bad thing, but I was the freak, the emo. No one ever thought things about me that were kind.


"You don't have to be nervous." My palms became sweaty. I did what I do all the time, avoid the situation and walk away.

"Lara wait." His big hand sheltered my shoulder, electric shot through my arm, I gasped and spun round.

"Are you sure your okay?"

"Yes I..Im sure." Another lie.

"Good." He then took one last look at me and walked away.

I was sat in Maths and he kept asking me questions, he was annoying me a lot.

"Are you working at the café tonight?"

"No." "

"Well I'll take you to my house and we can work on the project."

"I..I cant."

"Oh why?"

"I have t...things to d...do."

"Like what?"

"W..why do you h..ave to..no."

"Your stutter is so cute." I shook my head, "N..no its not."

"Please, I no you don't trust me, and I know you don't have plans, so please, Cat will be there, everyone will be if you like." I still didn't want too, but this might be good for me.

"O..okay." My stutter had gotten worse recently and its so embarrassing. (A/N I actually have a stutter, its not that bad but you noooo. Little facts about Rachel.)

The bell was about to ring, and I would normally be so relived to go home, but then I remember I have a project with Max. I was extremely nervous. I was never really a nervous person, I was very confident, and look at me now, A stutter, ugly face, fat body and its all my fault, but I have to deal with it; I brought it on myself didn't I? Did I?

"You okay?" I turned to him, I nodded my head and the bell went. We walked together and I got horrible stares of everyone. But I was used to it, we arrived at my car,

"I c..cant leave my car here."

"I'll get Cat to drive mine."

"Okay." I got in and waited for him to text Cat.

"Right lets go." We drove in silence, it wasn't awkward, and it felt comfortable. I had noticed that Max lived a while from school, but it wasn't out of town. We then pulled up to a fairly big house.

"Okay and here it is."

"I..its nice."

"Thank you." We got out of the car, and I taken deep breaths. I followed him inside, and It was beautiful, clean and smelled lovely, it had a feminine look to it but the manly side, grabbed my attention more.

"Well you wanna get started?"

"Y..Yes." We sat in the kitchen and worked hard, we had 3 months to do it so we took our time but it was pretty easy so far. I heard laughing and chatting when two guys came in. I became instantly nervous; I fiddled with my hands and looked at my lap.

"Who is she Max?" One spoke


"Why is she here?"

"Homework." Then the other came over to me,

"She's so cute and small." I blushed at what he said; he came over to me and squished my cheeks and laughed. Next thing you no, Max has him against the wall.

"She is mine, do not touch her."

"M..Max l..leave him alone." Max turned and sat back down. His chest heaved up and down, and his knuckles were turning white, and he jaw was tensed. I put my hand on his shoulder,

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry about that." He grabbed my hand and fiddled with it. I got a little uncomfortable but I didn't want to cause anything.

Max pov

Her hands were so soft her scent was so strong. I'm trying so hard to control myself around her. I've never had such strong feelings about a girl before, I want her to return them back, but her ways keep her from doing that.

I watched her as she gathered her books, pens pencils and the other pointless things, a teacher expects you to use. She swung her bag on her shoulder.

"I..I'll finish the last two paragraphs."

"Are you sure?"


"Well I'll see you tomorrow."

"Y..yeah bye."

She walked out the door. I walked her to her car. Her small figure looked vulnerable, it made think what people could do to her. I need to make sure she is safe and I'll do it. She is mine and if anyone thinks they can hurt her then I'll kill them and I'll make it a slow painful death.

'Vincent calm down.'

'No dumbass I wont calm down, our mate our life is being called a freak she gets laughed at she wont stop stuttering someone has caused this and I plan on finding out.'

'Feel better?'

'Much.' As you can see my wolf isn't the calmest, he's always been hard to control, but since we met Lara its even harder. We want her to show us love and affection but she won't. It hurts him a lot. The pain in her eyes hurts me, but I'll fill them with love, happiness, they'll be filled with our future.

Finally I came out of my gaze, and I noticed she had driven off already.

Happiness is my priority for her right now.

So here you goooooo another chapter, I no this has taken a while but hope you guys like it, and btw if you want me to make covers for you message me the name and image you want and I'll make you one. Hope you liked it.

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