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Sam Golbach
Almost everyone is downstairs now. Colby's not been home since yesterday, which is understandable. He took Lydia away from Reggie and Cassie since they were so pissed about the weird vervaine attack. No one still knows what the hell happened with that. It seems impossible.

Just as I go to take a sniff of Katrina's scent and please my vampire, I catch the scent of blood. It's strong and close. With every girl in the room, it can't be any of them. And the boys all lift their heads sensing the same thing.

"Have fun boys." Annalise's voice says. My heart drops as I jump up and run to the sound. She was outside just a second ago but is gone now. All I can think about now is the girl lying in the driveway. She has a heartbeat but it's slow and struggling. And then I realise who it is.

"Lydia!" I exclaim, dropping to my knees beside her. I turn her head to me only to see not just one bite but three. They're all over her neck and there's some on her wrists. "Lydia, wake up! Come on." I know that she won't wake up but I'm panicking. If she dies . . . Colby would certainly never be the same. Tara would have questions.

"Oh my god!" Jake exclaims. He stops at the top of the steps and just stares at her for a few moments. "I- we gotta call Colby and get him down here." Jake disappears into the house so I work on getting Lydia to a safe place. We're so lucky that Tara is napping today.

I quickly carry Lydia into the house then continue through to the garage. Every vampire in the room takes a massive breath and carefully breathe out. I look nervously at each of them in case one isn't going to be able to help them self. After all, she's still bleeding.

Jake runs into the room and not even a second later, Colby's here too. I can see how heartbroken he is when he sees her bleeding like that from vampire bites. I set her down on his beanbag and back away.

Colby Brock
When I woke up this evening and Lydia wasn't at her apartment, well I guess I should have realised she wouldn't be, I started to genuinely panic. I called her and she gave me attitude. Also should have guessed she wouldn't want to be bossed around by her boyfriend like that.

But then I get the frantic call from Jake saying that she's hurt and at the house. I don't think I've ever run so fast in my entire life—including my after life. And then I see her; she's lying there in Sam's arms with bite marks on her neck and blood still coming out of her.

I find that my monster lashes out first and I almost turn, almost. For how long I'll have a grip on the monster, I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it's long enough to do what I want to do. I have been thinking a lot during my sleep and I remembered something about witches and vervaine: it heals them. Sort of like how vampire blood will heal a human.

If Lydia is a witch, then this will work. If she isn't a witch, then we'll have to use some of our blood to save her. I can only just hear her heartbeat; it's so weak.

Finally, I sit next to Lydia and pull the necklace I brought with me out of my pocket. I hear a couple of hisses but I ignore them. I'm touching the damn thing so they can be quiet about the pain they feel.

The second it's around her neck, she gasps but doesn't wake up. Everyone watches as the bite marks slowly heal right in front of our eyes. "Brother, how did you—"

"I had a theory." I reply, looking up. "She's a witch." In some ways, we've all expected this for a little while now. She really is a witch. Part of me can't believe it because it still doesn't make that much sense but she is, she has to be. And because of that, she'll have to know about vampires soon. Very soon. Our relationship is about to accelerate a hell of a lot and very quickly.

All I need is for her to tell me that she loves me too. If I don't hear that, I won't tell her. I can't. I need to know that she won't leave me because I'm a monster before I tell her that. If she left . . . I don't know what would happen to me. I'd still want her and have an almost irresistible urge to go to her but I wouldn't be able to. I'd have to let her live her life and act like I don't exist.

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