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I feel the overwhelming need to protect her coming back when the front door opens. Thankfully, since I've been upstairs this whole time, her scent hasn't bothered me too much, but as it gets fainter and fainter, my need to make sure she gets home safe increases. Especially when I look at how dark it still is outside.

Without thinking, I find myself quietly slipping out of my window and waiting against the building. Her car has already pulled off of the drive and I can hear her quietly humming to music within, but I can also hear those in the garage, which means they'll probably hear me.

Being as quiet as I can, I leap across the drive onto the actual road just as Lydia's car starts moving along the same road. My feet move on their own, taking me at a speed that's inhuman but not going too much faster than the car. She seems to be in a good mood, I guess. I'm not sure, I don't even know her.

Slowly, the further we get, the more I can smell her. Specifically what I can tell is definitely her apartment. It doesn't take me even close to another second to leap over the little gate, run to the back of the building, and jump uneasily up to a balcony that smells scarily like her. Dangerous, I think. Very dangerous. I shouldn't even be here at all.

It feels like forever before the front door opens. Lydia walks in looking kind of tired. She drops her keys to the side, throws off her shoes and jacket, and heads for one of the other rooms brushing her fingers through her hair. I naturally follow her, clinging to the wall so that I can peak through her little bedroom window. But that doesn't last long, because she pulls her top right off. No shame, as she shouldn't have any.

I duck back, not wanting to invade her privacy and just listen to her undressing. The sound is causing something deep in the pit of my stomach to happen . . . and something else. Thank god the lore that vampires can't enter without being invited is true, because otherwise I'd be in there stripping her myself.

After a short while, pretty much all sounds stop, so I peak through the window again. There she is, lying in bed looking beautiful and perfect. She's wearing a large hoodie that goes to her mid thigh but she isn't under the covers, just lying on top with her eyes closed. I hear her heart gently beating in her chest and her breathing becoming more even.

Alright. You got what you came for: she's safe. She's sleeping soundly in her apartment and you're creepy watching her. Now, back to the house. I need to get back to the house.

Lydia Drake
When you dream about someone and it's so vivid that you could swear it actually happened, sometimes you wish that it did. The dream I'm having is hot and steamy and what I imagine what would have happened if Colby hadn't been an ass after he kissed me earlier.

His lips are connected with mine, his hands travelling all over me, and my hands are all tangled in the hair at the back of his head. We're 'rocking back and forth' with me on his lap. It feels heavenly even though it's only a dream. I want to know what would have happened if that kiss continued, and this is just what I wish would happen, I guess.

I'm still convinced that I'm physically attracted to him and he's paid me some attention. That's literally it. There's nothing actually between us except for tension, and that's for all the wrong reasons. No matter how many times I tell myself, one part of me doesn't believe it.

Whatever. I don't have a crush on Colby.

Vampires Rule // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now