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My draw to Colby is strangely out of control today. I'm not sure if the other vampires or my coven can sense it, but I know for a fact they've seen me constantly looking at him, getting distracted from my spars from as little as his voice in the distance.

It's strange to me to be so taken when so far I've felt only regular attraction to him. It's like everything has increased ten fold and it's so confusing, but I like it. My best guess would be spending the night together, however innocently, has reminded our bond of the relationship we had before. At the end of the day, my body still knows what his touch feels like, even if my brain doesn't.

I try to keep myself under control until training ends and we all end up in the living room together. I sit between Colby and Lilly, my feet tucked under my butt so I'm leaning toward my soulmate. I subtly rest my head on his shoulder as I occasionally join in on the conversation around me. But my mind is occupied.

Aaron says something in passing about Georgia, the vampire who has been travelling around LA causing trouble since we parted. It was only yesterday but with everything going on, it feels like ages ago.

I laugh when he compares her to a troublesome celebrity, my eyes closing for barely a moment with the action. But they snap open again when I feel something land on my thigh and look down at Colby's ring-clad hand. He's looking away trying to make it casual, and a light pink shade coats my cheeks. I look down at the hand, warmth wrapping around my heart to tug at it.

When I blink, however, I'm met with a flash unlike every other I have experienced so far. A very, very vivid image of myself and Colby in a rather compromising position floods my head. I can't help the sudden yelp that escapes, halting every other conversation in the room.

My hands cover my face as I try to rid the image from my mind but it isn't going anywhere, and now my cheeks are on fire.

"Lydia?" Eliza asks from across the room; I don't leave my hidden state.

"What happened?" Jake asks, mild amusement in his tone.

"Nope, nothing," I reply quickly.

He snorts. "Clearly something happened. I can smell your blood from here. Why are you blushing?"

"Nothing," I insist, forcing my own hands from my face. But I catch sight of Colby watching me curiously—a little worried—and I just start blushing even harder. I'm not sure how that's possible.

"Come on, Lydia, you can't react like that to something and not tell us what's going on," Lilly pushes from beside me. She leans closer, though all the vampires hear when she says, "You don't blush over just anything."

"It's nothing," I repeat once more, shaking my head vigorously. "Just continue your conversations. I'm not here."

Oh how I wish I had their speed; that I could just disappear in a blur from this room. As I expect, none of them are satisfied with my diversion. They want to know what has flustered me so badly and they're not gonna stop until they do. But I can't possibly tell them that I saw Colby and I...

"Lydiaaaaaaa," Corey whines impatiently.

"Alright," I snap without continuing.

He glares at me and I look down to my lap, happening to catch sight of that hand still there. He hasn't moved it despite all of the eyes in the room on me. I wonder why they don't think that is what has flustered me, or perhaps they haven't seen it yet.

"I... I got a sort of flash... but it wasn't a normal flash..."

"What do you mean?" Eliza asks worriedly. I feel her concerns from where I sit. I can't stop fidgeting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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