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Lydia Drake
Okay, I am aware that there's a lot of hot guys in this room with me. A lot of them. And they're all cute, but none are quite my type. Out of everyone, I'd say that Jake is probably closest. And then the door opens out of nowhere and someone steps in. Not just anyone. But someone who's literally my type to a T. Like, I feel as if I could just sit here and drool at the sight of him all day.

He's tall, but not overbearingly, and has these piercing blue eyes that are cutting me from across the room. His hair is brown, but has some blue tips that make those damn eyes pop more and he has piercings in his nose and ears, and what looks to be at least one tattoo on his hand, I can't see any more from over here. He's just... oh my god he even has chains on his jeans! And he's wearing all black. I won't be able to stay in here for long unless I want to jump him, no kidding that's how strong my attraction towards him seems to be. But I have some self control and I don't open my legs to just anyone.

He seems to look at me for a second then his eyes scan the room until they land on Jake, who's looking guilty about something. Even Tara appears slightly nervous in this guy's presence. If he's the last guy, then I think his name is Colby, which is pretty cute on its own.

"Uh, Colby, this is Lydia. Lydia, this is Colby." Yeah, that's Colby. Even I, who doesn't know him, can see how pissed off he is as he stares at my best friend like he's going to kill her. If he tries, I'll kill him first. I'm irritated at the moment but no one seems to notice.

"Bro, have you eaten?" What a weird question for Sam to ask, but when Colby shakes his head, Jake looks more worried. What? Is he hangry or something? Definitely has anger issues. But I mean, my own anger is rising the more he's completely ignoring my existence. At least the rest of them, even the guys who are infatuated by their girls, looked at me and smiled or acknowledged me. Him? Nope. Just ignoring me. I like a bit of attention.

"She needs to leave." Hold up! My anger, though contained to this point, very suddenly rears its ugly head and I almost bounce to my feet, but I keep my ass planted on the couch for his sake. He'd get a right slap on the face otherwise and I'd make sure it hurts.

"Excuse me?" I ask, purposely crossing my arms over my chest. I want it to make me look more pissed, and I hope that it does because his nostrils flare. For just half of a second, his eyes flick to my chest. Ugh, horny boys can't even keep it in their pants when they're needlessly hating a girl. Jeez. But part of me likes the attention, and that part I have to push way, way down.

"Leave." He wants me to leave? Fine. I'll do the opposite. I catch a glimpse of someone smirking as I fall into the back of the couch and shuffle to be more comfortable. Along with an eyebrow raise and a scoff, of course. My best friends paired with sighing and rolling my eyes. And glaring.

"No, I just got here and I'm comfortable, thanks." I can see Tara biting back her smile. She's probably proud of me, as she always is when I use my mouth to piss boys off. She always finds it amusing then teases me after by jumping on me or something to that nature.

Instead of saying anything else to me, he backs out like a pussy and kicks the beanbag Jake and Tara are sitting on pretty hard. He looks down at them as they look up at him. "Off my seat." Such a gentleman. "Go back to yours and kick her out while you're at it." That's what tips Tara over the edge of being protective over me. I see it in her eyes.

"She's my friend and I invited her." Tara says in annoyance. She's fearlessly staring up at Colby. My girl. Even Jake is smiling like I'm fighting not to. My lips are tilting the tiniest bit. I can't help it: I like overprotective and angry Tara. But then Jake's smile disappears and the worry is back.

"It's my house and I didn't. Move." Okay, that's it. I'm tipped over the edge now. He says it's his house, so I'll take his word for it. I don't want to be in the same house as a jackass like him so I won't be.

Jake stands up and reaches out to grab Tara, but she doesn't move. I stand too, gently nudging Jake out of the way then pulling Tara to her feet without giving her a choice. She looks a little confused but doesn't say anything as I pull her away.

"There. Happy, asshole?" I ask Colby. He doesn't respond but steps fully into the room for the first time to sit down. "I don't like hanging out with dickheads so I'm gonna leave. Tara, you're welcome to join." I look at her questioningly and she nods, very shyly. Something has switched in her that worries me. This dick better not be scaring her. "Great, lets go." Tara moves first and leaves. Colby's still standing just to the side of the door so I take that opportunity and purposely bump his shoulder harshly with mine. I make sure to use enough force to actually knock him then walk backwards with both my middle fingers up. "Bye."

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