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Katrina Stuart
Lydia is busy as hell in this bar. The moment she walked in, her boss ushered her behind the bar and she hasn't had a break since. This table needs this, that table needs that. I feel bad for her but also a little bit annoyed. Tara definitely suggested we come here so we can get to know her a little more, especially since she's going to be sticking around more.

I don't want that for her honestly. Sure, the way that I feel about Sam is something that I wouldn't ever give up, but Lydia doesn't deserve to be dragged into this whole thing. She'd be safe from vampires even if she was still friends with Tara. Sam has explained a little bit to me about how the soulmate thing works and he's even mentioned how he thinks Colby has found his soulmate . . . in Lydia. I don't like it. I want her to be away from all of this and when Tara finds out the secret, she'll feel the same way.

Lydia can be an instinctual, spur of the moment kind of girl sometimes and I know for a fact that Colby's the same. They act on whatever emotion they're feeling. I'm guessing that that translates to the feelings they have towards each other, which was so unbelievably clear last night. The way he watched her when she was basically sleeping in his arms . . . he's fallen already whether he admits it or not and she will very soon too. Because of that, now that their feelings have been acknowledged, they won't be able to stay away from each other. Even if Colby pushes her away, she'd come right back out of instinct. The moment she gets near, he'll then go back to her too. A viscous—but kind of sweet—cycle.

It's going to be no use keeping them apart anymore so now all we can do is help to protect her from the dangers she doesn't know about. We know how to look our for the vampires now so if we see one with its eyes on her, we can either remove her from the situation or fight it away with the vervaine the boys have given all of us.

I realise that I've been staring at my glass for a really long time so I glance up. Tara is stood at the bar chatting with Lydia about something while she busies herself with the other customers and the other girls at the table are talking.

"Do you think Lydia will be able to handle it?" I ask out of nowhere. The two girls look up at me with a frown. "The secret. When Colby tells her, do you think she'll be able to handle the truth?" Both are quiet and just staring at me.

After a few moments, Devyn sighs. "Honestly, I think she'll handle it better than the rest of us. She's a very tough girl and although she has a little bit of an anger issue, she doesn't scare easily."

"This is more than watching a scary movie, Dev." I point out.

"Yeah, but a similar premise." Tori reaches over the table to take my hand with a small smile on her face. "The girl's gonna be fine. We just have to wait for Colby to fall in love with her."

"He already has." I snort. "You see him last night? Full heart eyes when she was lying on his chest."

"Even better." Devyn grins then snaps back to a normal expression as Tara takes a seat at the table beside me. She sips her coffee as if she's been here the whole time.

"Is Lydia alright?" Tori asks, knowing that I was going to anyway.

"Yeah. Said she's probably going to be passed out by the time it gets to the end of her shift, though." Tara gently shakes her head with a smile and chuckles to herself. I flick my eyes down to my own coffee where I keep them focused. "She'll probably still come to the house for a little bit though just to get her clothes . . . or maybe she'll leave them there. Hell do I know."

I hope she goes home. It's safe there from most vampires, at least.


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