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Colby Brock
It's been maybe two days since Lydia visited this house and not once have I gotten her out of my head. I dream about her when I sleep, I think I see her out of the corner of my eye, and I always end up thinking about her when I'm not talking to anyone, which is lot. It's surreal how much of a hold she has on me after one tiny interaction with her. She even pissed me off during that interaction but I still find myself in this predicament.

Tara still comes over everyday and when she does, I smell Lydia on her. Or at least, I did the day after the night I met Lydia. She didn't smell like her yesterday. But still, the smell was driving me crazy.

I have no idea how to find this girl. She could live anywhere in LA and- jeez, what am I saying! I'm thinking about visiting her?! What good would that do me or her or literally anyone else. It's so stupid I can't believe my head even teased with the idea. Of course, every dream I have is about her so I don't get to rest at night, making me more tired than I already am from not feeding much.

That's another thing. Eating. I haven't had much for three reasons. We're running low on blood packs; there haven't been many girls walking around at night—and I haven't left to find them either; and I want to bite Lydia. Her scent is like nothing I've ever experienced in my life. It's so potent to me and so... I don't know. Enticing? I guess that's the right word. I want to bite her so badly. God, I can't even stand it.

Lying here in the middle of the day thinking about a girl who I'm not even interested in. I don't date, and I certainly don't get involved. Nothing at all. Not since I've changed. Well, except for once but I didn't really like it. It didn't feel like how drinking felt. Sleeping with someone just didn't give me a kick like it does with humans. Or when I was human.

When I'm halfway asleep, finally, I get the faintest smell of Tara entering the house and the giant sound of the girls getting all excited and saying hi to her. I swear, they're testing me lately. There's the faintest scent of Lydia that I know is coming off of Tara. Just wonderful. Now that girl is in my head again, not that she really left.

Thank you, Tara, for making my head busy constantly with something that's not just going to destroy me if I didn't have so much control, which I do. I'm going to use every ounce of it not to go downstairs and compel Tara to tell me where Lydia lives then going to her house. No. Bad idea.

But damn, that girl is just... wow.

Lydia Drake
Here I am, at my job. I'm sitting on a little chair on a stage diagonal to the girl singing at the microphone. A guy—her gay brother—is playing drums gently while I strum my fingers over a guitar. We're sort of a band, but really just something the owner of this little bar put together. I don't have to work long or much in the week but get paid nicely, including getting some tips.

Thankfully, the only people giving me tips has been nice women rather than creepy old guys. I don't think I could handle that.

As the music's tempo increases, Alex and I lean into our separate microphones and begin to add a bit of a backing track to Kirsten's music. She's happy, he's happy, and honestly, I'm kinda happy too.

Something weird has been having for the last couple of days that I don't exactly understand. At least, I don't get why it's constantly going on. You see, I've had his one guy stuck in my head for two whole days, nearly three now, and I don't understand why. I mean, I barely actually spoke to him. I cussed him out and flipped him off, even, so why my brain was decided to only focus on his eyes and those lips and cheekbones and his jaw... Okay, getting carried away there. The point is, he's been stuck in my head for much too long and I don't know what to do about it. It's not like seeing him will make it any better but staying away isn't helping either.

Tara has been asking me to go back to the house. She did that morning after we finished our coffees and she did this morning when she paid me a quick visit to tell me good luck with my job. I appreciate it, but not what she's asking. If Colby is there again, I'm not sure what will happen.

Regardless, as soon as I put my guitar down, I find myself staring at Tara's 'let me know later' message. And before I know it, I'm typing a 'fine but not for long'. I should have added that only if i get a seat but she's already replied excitedly saying she'll see me soon.

I take my guitar home before I dare to get back into my car and head towards that nice-ass house. Why am I doing this again? Right, Tara. Whatever happens, blame Tara.

Alright, now that that's sorted, I can properly go to the pit of hell with the devil himself living inside. Whatever spell he's put on me will break, I'm sure of it.

Vampires Rule // Colby BrockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin