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I wake up to absolutely nothing. No sounds, no sensations, just blissful peace. I can feel the big comfortable hoodie around me and I can also feel the couch beneath me. And then, the tiniest, tiniest nudge on my foot has my eyes flying open. I see Tara on the other end of the couch, head resting on the arm rest and her legs curled up into her chest, though our feet still touch in the middle. She looks peaceful and fast asleep so I glance up at the TV. It's stuck on the screen asking if we're still watching. I click it off with the remote and grab my phone, checking the time.

It's nearly ten am already, which is kind of late to me. I'm used to waking up at about eight or nine at a push. Sure, it's not too much later but still weird. My eyes flick to Tara's phone since the screen lights up and all I can see is Jake's name with a million different types of hearts next to it. The text says something about him wanting her to come over. Ugh, lovesick people! I can't help but hate that.

I quietly and carefully slip off of the couch and stretch, reaching my arms as high into the air as I possibly can. The hoodie lifts up but doesn't reveal too much so I walk around the couch, going to the kitchen to make some breakfast for both Tara and myself.

She's still sleeping even when I accidentally drop a pan. Luckily, the contents have already been placed on two different plates. It's basic: bacon, eggs, sausage, and some toast. I place one plate on the coffee table then sit next to her with mine, crossing my legs beneath myself as I scroll through Instagram and eat.

It feels like forever later, though the food is still warm, when Tara's nose scrunches up. I smile, knowing that she's beginning to wake up. A few more seconds and she opens her eyes. They don't go to me or my phone, but instead straight to the food. And her eyes light up. Fully. She looks so excited and happy.

"Yes! I love you!" Tara exclaims. She sits up and wraps her arms around me, almost knocking my plate to the ground, before she grabs her own and begins to scarf down the food. I watch in amusement.

"Have you not eaten for years or something? Calm down." She doesn't, just grins at me halfway through a bite. I playfully roll my eyes and stand with my plate, taking it to the kitchen where I pour two cups of coffee. When I return, she's nearly finished but takes the coffee mug anyway and sips a little, her face scrunching up.

"Ow." She complains.

"Hot." I say for her. "I would have told you if you hadn't suddenly started drinking it." She glares at me then places down the mug and continues to eat. I sit with her, facing her direction with my legs crossed again. "I've never seen you eat like that." I say slowly, a bit worried. I don't know what about. I just am.

She stops. "Oh . . . well, it's just been a while since I had an actual meal. I spend a lot of time at that house, like a lot, so most the meals are snacks or microwaved." She eats the last bite. "Thank you so much."

"Hey, you stay over at my place and you get a full hotel experience." I remind her with a big smile, one hand up in surrender. "Feel free to borrow whatever clothes you want."

"I don't understand how you're so sweet." Tara places the plate on the coffee table and then takes my mug away from me to place it down too. She grabs both of my hands and holds them. "I genuinely love you, Lydia. I know you don't really believe in love, even the friendship kind, but I do. You have a big heart and you're literally the bestest best friend ever." I can't help it when my eyes try to tear up. They do, successfully, and it takes everything inside of me to force those tears down.

"That means a lot, Tara, thanks." I have this thing about saying 'I love you'. It's always been super hard for me and that's kind of where my disbelief in love came from. If I can't even say the damn words, then obviously I'm not capable of loving anyway. I care for Tara dearly and would never let anything happen to her but I just can't say those words. Even when I see the slight disappointment in her eyes.

Come on, Lydia! Just say it back! You can do it, come on!

It never comes out...

Vampires Rule // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now