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I have spent the last week and a half in the weirdest situation ever. Colby and I have hung out every day. Every day! Well, every evening. We've eaten dinner together for over ten days if you include the first at Tender Greens. He's been an ass three times and each time, I tell him to clean his act up before we stop hanging out. It's worked. Every time.

He has some sort of . . . obsession with me? No, that's the wrong word. I'm guessing it's the same thing that I have with him since my dreams haven't stopped but they've actually gotten worse. I find myself zoning out when I'm at work and beginning to think about him. The dreams aren't so sexual anymore; they're more sweet kisses. Like I get excited about something silly and he laughs at me then pulls me onto his lap and gives me a quick kiss. Things like that.

Regardless, each time I threaten to leave him, it's almost like he panics and a switch is flipped in his head. He suddenly apologises then we get back to talking or whatever. It's strange. But I'm flattered that he's not willing to let me go, I guess. Whatever that means.

Colby Brock
I want to finally do it. This girl has no idea but I've never felt more alive before. Not even when I was alive. I sit next to her on the couch and she lightens up my mood, no matter how mad I am. And she doesn't even know it. Her smile; her laugh; her voice. I really like all of it.

She doesn't know it but I've snuck into the bar during the day a couple of times when I couldn't sleep and I've listened to her sing. If I thought I had a pull to her before, it's crazy now. I don't know how I've lasted so long without kissing her or doing something, anything.

What I mean when I say that I finally want to do it is that I finally want to move on from just being friends, which we are by now. I've gotten to know a lot about her and vice versa, though she won't know the biggest part of my life for what'll probably be a very long time, if ever. One thing I have learned about her is that she doesn't believe in love: just like me.

Anyway, I'm finally going to suck it up and talk to Sam about it. Everyone in the house has been confused as to where I'm going and why sometimes the girls see me leaving during the day. They have no clue what's happening, mostly because it's so unexpected for them. Just like it is for me. This girl has a hold on me that I can't break. I feel weak when she isn't around, like I'm missing something, and I intend to stop that today... if I can drop myself to do it.

I knock on Sam's door in the evening. I can smell that Tara and Tori are downstairs and if I listen hard enough, I can sometimes hear the laughter of someone like Kevin or Corey. So everyone is downstairs but mr 'I'm so in love' and miss 'I'm so in love'.

After a few seconds, I hear shuffling and then Katrina's heartbeat gets closer to the door. She opens it, half dressed in only one of Sam's hoodies with her hair tied into some messy ponytail.

"I need to talk to Sam." I say rudely, looking passed her at the blonde-haired idiot lying in his bed shirtless. If I've interrupted something . . . well, no, I'm not sorry because they deserve it. I don't want to hear them anyways.

"We were busy." Sam replies with a grumble.

"It's important." I say deadpan. Katrina groans and turns around, picking up some pants from the floor then dragging them over her legs. "Take your time." I mumble. She eventually picks her phone up from the bedside table, kisses Sam, and walks passed me with a glare. I step into the room and shut the door.

"What is it?" Sam asks. He doesn't sound impressed but I know how much his attitude will change as soon as I tell him what's on my mind.

"It's about where I've been- "

"Sneaking off to?" He cuts me off with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not sneaking if I'm not hiding it." I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms over my chest.

"But you're hiding where it is you're going." He points out. He seems to read the look on my face and sighs as he sits up all the way, pulling a shirt over his head. "Go ahead."

I pause. Am I really going to tell him this? Do I need his advice? I could just go and do it myself, then he won't need to know until the dreaded day comes where everyone knows. God, I'm already regretting this. Fuck it.

"I've been leaving to spend time with someone." I tell him slowly, watching the way his face completely changes. He no longer looks annoyed and tired but completely fascinated . . . and a little betrayed. "And this person . . . they have a certain hold on me that I can't shake."

"Lydia." He says instantly. I look at him a little annoyed. I don't like that he guess it. "What? She has the vampire blood fused with her scent. Everyone smelt it, Colby."

"Talk about the soulmate legend again and I'll leave." I warn him. I don't think I've ever glared so hard at my best friend, but here I am.

"Oh, come on. You don't feel a pull towards her? Like you need her in your undead life? You don't see her as one of the most important people in the world? You don't want to protect her from the physical and emotional dangers the world has to offer." I stay dead silent as I stare at him. He seems pleased with himself and just nods. "Exactly."

"Shut up." I snap. "We're . . . friends, I guess, now. But- and if you repeat this, I will snap your neck every hour I'm here for the next two years." I tell him dead seriously. "I don't want to just be friends."

"You . . . you want her to be your girlfriend?" I slowly nod. "Well then just ask her. Unless you're in the friend zone?"

"No but I told her I'd give her time and I don't know if I've given her enough." Sam stares at me for a few moments with his cheek clenched between his teeth. He slips out from the covers to start to make the bed, which he sometimes does when he's thinking.

"All I can tell you is from experience. With me and Kat, I knew she was my soulmate the moment I saw her. You don't believe in it so you won't understand yet, but you will." I scoff but he continues anyway. "As you know, we kissed the very same day we met but after that, we were only talking for maybe a week or two before we started the 'kissing, cuddling, dating' side of our relationship. Then it was just a matter of time before we settled into the phrase 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'."

"Katrina's not like Lydia."

"I know. Lydia . . . well, does she feel drawn to you like you do to her?"

"Sam." I mutter, annoyed.

"Just answer the question, Colby." He snaps back.

"Maybe? I . . . kinda kissed her a couple days after we first met and she kissed me back?"

"Yes, she does then." He concludes. "It's your judgement whether you know enough about each other or not, but if you want her to be your girlfriend, then just ask her. She might say no today but yes tomorrow or next week. And if she says yes today, you're not keeping her from everyone else. They deserve to know."

"Sam you've . . . " I pause and look away. "You've actually been a help." I admit. Sam smiles widely and he walks over to me, forcing my hand sort of into one of his then forcing me into a bro-hug. I kinda let it happen but don't respond.

"You go and get her, man. I'll tell the guys that you've just mysteriously run off again or something." I bite my lip and nod then, in the next second, I'm off. Like a bullet, I'm gone from the house headed straight for Lydia's.

Why am I genuinely nervous? I've never felt this way before . . .

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