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Gulping, trying to regain my professionalism and remember that I have a boyfriend, I look down at the leader wrapped in my chain and say, "Looks like you're majorly outnumbered. Tell them to back off or we kill you all."

Silent Leader continues to struggle, refusing to accept that he's defeated, so I tug harder until the sound of a snap is followed by his body thumping to the floor. I retract my chain into my pocket, looking back at my coven in fear that if I see Blue Eyes again, I'll essentially be cheating on Tyler with my eyes.

He didn't notice my ogling so I can just pretend it didn't happen. It's not like I meant to...

Without saying a word, I step up in front of the clan of vampires and wave a hand over my necklace. Every single vampire flinches harshly to the blinding vervaine as my coven let up on the pain. They're crippled to the floor within seconds now trying to escape the light they see that we don't. I even hear a few vampires hiss behind me.

When I'm certain the vampires are incapacitated, I wave my hand over my necklace again and turn to grab the silent leader. I don't know or care what his name is, just that we get him and his clan out of the way so no humans will see their obvious massacre. They'll still be alive and probably will try to hunt us down, but we'll handle them easily anyway.

"It's a shame," Eliza says as she begins to levitate a chunk of the vampires onto the side of the street. "I would've thought they'd comply like this other clan."

"Who are still here and not deaf," Lilly replies sharply. She leaves us to the dirty work while she walks up to speak to Blue Eyes, which causes a zing of... something through my gut. I keep my eyes focused solely on the task at hand, ensuring to put Silent Leader into a compromising position with one of his vampires. Tyler notices and laughs, pulling me by my jacket into his side. He's still working but taking the time to hold me anyway. It's sweet.

"Anyone else out there, babe?" he whispers to me and I shake my head. He's done within another second so he turns to me and winks, and I roll my eyes before placing a swift kiss to his shoulder—over the clothes. He holds me tighter then lets me go entirely.

When I turn toward the other clan, I notice most of them watching me, especially Blue Eyes himself even as he speaks to Lilly—most likely about what's going on. I don't let myself stare at him too long because I don't want to get lost in that shade of blue. It's never-ending and something tells me it's incredibly addicting.

The coven gather either side of Lilly, finally here to listen to Blue Eyes. Knowing we haven't heard anything, Lilly glances at us to say, "This is Colby and his clan. They're powerful, which is why the other group were challenging them. It's mostly an ego trip."

"When is it any different?" I ask with a roll of my eyes. Most smile at me, but Blue Eyes, who I now know as Colby, has a stone face. It makes my own smile slip away in surprise at how intense that gaze is... then I realise I'm lost in it again.

"How many issues do you run into regularly?" Lilly continues her questioning.

"A lot," Colby replies. His voice is so smooth to listen to, especially when he's still staring at you and you're trying to avoid it.

"Why? Are you a troublesome clan?"

"Recent... occurrences make others believe us to be weak. We just prove them wrong when they come for us." He finally looks back at Lilly. "You guys don't seem so peaceful yourselves."

She rolls her eyes. "We stop the fighting and we never lose. Just one of us could overpower every single one of you, especially our attacker."

That's me, so I casually wave a hand with a soft, sinister smirk. Colby looks at me for a couple of extra seconds to everyone else, taking in every feature of my face. I want to tell him to stop looking, but I don't want him to stop looking. There's just something about him.

Vampires Rule // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now