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Eliza explains to me that she's come up with a theory for my flashes, and that it relates to my memories. She says Mama was the one to give her the idea and they've been secretly working together this whole time.

"Explain the theory to me," I suggest as I perch on the couch next to where Colby had been sitting. I can feel his energy here through the necklace.

"Well, your flashes are different for different people, right? There doesn't really seem to be a correlation, but after you had a white flash with Jake today, I took a second to ask Mama and we finally have an idea.

"The white flash was your brain trying to remember Jake, whilst the red flashes are your brain warding you off us, because we aren't your people. Not the ones you're supposed to be with, anyway."

I frown. "But you're my coven, I have the same bond to you as I might have had with them." I glance at Tara. "No offence."

She laughs softly. "None taken, I understand what you mean."

"Hear me out," Eliza demands. "Your brain is just trying to steer you in the right direction back to Colby and Co, so making you hurt when you're touching anyone who isn't them is obviously supposed to make you seek them out."

"I still had a flash with Jake," I point out.

"Yes, your brain trying to remember him. With us, the flashes are bright red—don't you think that's slightly more damaging? It's screaming "bad!""

"I see what you're saying."

"So then we come to the blue flashes, the ones you've only ever had with Tyler." Colby suddenly appears in the room beside me, and I startle before catching myself on my feet. He doesn't even look at me, watching Eliza to hear what she has to say. He's jealous about Tyler, which would be cute if he had any reason to be. "Yeah, anyways," Eliza moves on, "we think you got those flashes because you were with someone like that who isn't Colby. I mean, think about the colour and look at his eyes."

I don't because I know exactly what shade of blue they are now that I take two seconds to think about it. I see that fucking colour in my dreams, let alone in short flashes caused by my ex-boyfriend.

"She didn't have flashes when we kissed at first," Tyler points out and Colby slightly tenses next to me. I look down at him in amusement, placing a hand on his shoulder. I feel his muscles ease.

"No, and she didn't have flashes too badly when we first met, either. Her body's getting more aggressive in telling us it's time for her to find her real people—the clan. That's what we think, anyway." Eliza turns back to me. "And when you met Colby in this life, your body gave you very little chance before it attacked you for kissing Tyler after you'd found your soulmate.

"And now, the flashes are so bad constantly because you've been around him and his friends for so long without actually being with him. It's just trying to steer you in the right direction."

"And hurt me in the process," I add. "The whole theory seems to make sense. Have you come across any anomalies?"

"Not yet. I'm hoping we're completely right because I developed most of this myself." Eliza smiles proudly.

I nod and rub my hands nervously together, thinking about everything I've been told in the past hour or so. I've learnt what the later part of my blackout life was like, that my soulmate is a vampire and is Colby, and that I once cremated another witch essentially alive.

Another of those single-line statements come to mind, and this time I look at the floor. "Orange eyes suit me," I say softly. I don't remember at all who said that, so it must not have been anyone here. "Why do I keep thinking of these things, it makes so sense?"

Vampires Rule // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now