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Colby Brock
I wake up in my bedroom. I've been hoping that I won't have to come in contact with any humans except Devyn and Tori today because I don't think I can deal with something like that, but the second I sit up, I smell Katrina. At least Katrina. There's a couple of human scents downstairs and I feel like growling out to scare them. Both of the girls who live in the house know of our secret but Katrina doesn't and all I'd have to do is scare her once and she's gone. Sam would kill me but still.

I climb out of bed and move with vampire speed into my closet, finding some clothes then getting ready for the evening. Vampires like myself don't stay awake constantly nor do we only sleep during the day, but we still need sleep and our body is naturally tuned to sleeping during daylight hours, like a normal person's body is tuned to sleep at nighttime.

"Brother, you awake?" I hear Sam's voice all the way from downstairs. He knows that I'm awake because he can obviously hear me, but I sigh and prepare to answer anyway.

"Yeah." A second later, my door opens to reveal my best friend. I'm not one hundred percent dressed yet and my hair is still a little bit damp from the shower I just had. I grab a shirt from the bed, where I threw it, and drag it over my head. "What's up?"

"Um, Katrina's here. I'm sure you already knew. Anyway, and Tara is on her way." He pauses, watching me like he can sense that I'm already on edge. Katrina is one thing; I can manage her because she's here so much - young, new 'love' and everything - but Tara too? "Jake said he really wants her here and I don't think you'll be able to convince him otherwise. He's hooked, just like me." Sam gives me a huge, lovesick grin that makes me part sick. I don't understand how he and Jake go through all that. Hell, I don't even get how Corey does it and he's known Devyn since before the change.

I give Sam a half-assed grunt in response, waving him out of my room. He keeps that smile on his face as he disappears from my view. Honestly, I think he's a bit of an idiot for getting involved with some human girl, just like I think Jake is, and Corey is. Reggie perfectly demonstrated that stupidity when he lost control and changed Cassie... but now they're happier than they were before. Stupid love. I don't need that shit. It gets in the way of doing what you want and ties you to your humanity, which I don't want. Not entirely, anyway. No, I don't want to go on killing sprees or anything but I also don't want to be sitting there pining over a girl just because she says she loves me. Whatever. Love is stupid and unnecessary, especially for my kind.

When I get downstairs, moving with enough speed that my hair dries entirely on the way down, I instantly catch all the scents of the humans in the house. Katrina is definitely here, Devyn and Tori, and there's the faint scent of Tara.

All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door followed by a stronger, Tara-tinged smell wafting over to me. She's here and I have to open the door to her... great. I move quickly to the door open it, and don't acknowledge her as I step aside.

"Thanks for welcoming me, Colby. You're quite the host." She teases with a big smirk. I'm just focusing on not biting her, because that's all I want to do. I'm hungry because it's been probably way too long since I've fed. It's not my fault that I haven't come across any random girls in the streets that I can just grab and compel. Call me a monster, I don't care. It's not like I kill them anymore.

I shut the door and walk past Tara, since my legs are longer and I'm faster even walking like a human. She's tiny and looks like she couldn't hurt a fly. I know she probably could, but that doesn't stop me from pushing her around anyway.

I walk into the garage with her right behind me but don't hold the door for her, taking a seat on my beanbag. Everyone is here, and I mean everyone. Sam and Kat are sitting on the other beanbag; Corey and Devyn are sort of snuggling on one little cushion of the couch—ugh; Jake is of course sat at the other end of that couch, waiting to start snuggling with Tara, who's making her way over; Tori is sitting perched on Aaron's knee while he sits on a little chair next to the couch; Reggie and Cassie are sat with both of their lips busy on another couch; Kevin and Aryia are squeezed in the next two cushions; Brennen is sat on one of the many other chairs next to that couch beside Mike, then, finally Elton is sat in his chair next to the door. He's like the doorman for us.

Regardless, we all have our places where we always sit and that's where we are. Everyone —the top dogs of the clan, that is—in the clan are in this room, plus the girls, some of which don't know a thing. They don't know what they got themselves into just for 'love'.

Vampires Rule // Colby Brockحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن