Chapter 37 : "This Dinner Was Surprisingly More Explosive."

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~2 Weeks Later~

It was a gorgeous Friday spring day.

There were fluffy white clouds and a gently lazy sunshine. This was the kind of weather that lifted people moods.

They're were campers running around as usual, training, laughing, and talking among each other and even some in the Strawberry Fields.

It was just as any normal day at Camp Half-Blood, and I would have been enjoying it myself, but I'd been passed out for weeks.

The last thing I could recall was Phoenix being taken away from me by Will and to the infirmary then I passed out from my condition.

I'd felt like I was dead. I felt surrounded by darkness, and there was ringing  in my ears.

I thought I was a goner, that I was rid of the brutal world and had finally returned home...

Well, that was in till my eyes snapped open...


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑~𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟕


The first thing that came to my mind was I wasn't inside the Hades Cabin.

It took me a moment to realize I was inside the infirmary, and I wasn't waking up normally.

I didn't remember passing out, I also remember my sense coming back to me one at a time, as if my brain was trying to remember as if it was being rebooted.

First my hearing came back, it was taking it's sweet time though, it was like a buzzing noise.

That's when my self-awareness kicked in, as I being to piece together what happened, that's when a numbing sensation rushed in and I heard a slight ringing in my ears.

I groaned as my eyes meet the ceiling, I then looked to the side to see I was hooked up many monitors as I had the taste in my mouth like I had my favorite food strawberry's.

I then had enough energy to help myself sit up as I groaned more and sat myself up against the bed.

Questions then came back to my mind like "Where Henry ?! "Where are the others !? "How long have I been out ?!"

But one questioned caused me to jolt up which was "How's Phoenix ?!"

That caused me to shoot out of bed and pull the monitors from my arms and legs, I instantly regretted it as I began to feel dizzy as I almost collapsed before I caught myself on a wooden table.

I panted as sweat covered me, I also noticed I wasn't in the clothes I was wearing before.

I was wearing a simple black t-shirt cupped shirt with faded black jeans and black combat boots and my hair was wavy down my back, I looked down seeing my swollen ankle was gone and my bones felt heeled.

"Huh ?" I mutter to myself as I also saw my scars were heeled as well, I then began to hear voice from the room aside me.

A nauseous feeling came over me, causing me to hold my stomach as I groaned through my pain as I pulled myself together as I opened the door, my hand almost slipping off since I was sweating so munch.

I walked outside the room seeing all the others once they heard footsteps they turned to see me.

My arms were wrapped around myself as I stood and looked at them.

[✔️] The Demigod Chronicles ♆ Book 3~ The Trail of HadesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant