Chapter 16 : Spencer Bakes Cookies For Spirits

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After Leona and Thalia came to back to Camp the two got settled in Cabin 8 which is Artemis's Cabin and after they rest up were all were in the Big House.

"So Artemis missing. Seems really bad." I said twirling a screwdriver in my hand.

"It's not bad it's terrible ! If Artemis is missing who knows the dangers that will come upon us." Leona told.

"We know. But don't you guys remember the prophecy that the oracle spoke ?" Percy asked as I thought back to a month ago.

"Yea when the Pegasus Race was going on. The oracle appear and spoke a prophecy."

We all were trying to go back to a month as Reed spoke up and said "Eight shall go to the land without light, To venture to the forgotten trail, Hunters and Campers will join once again, To solve the mystery of the west, One will come to Camp, A girl who wears the eyes of the Caribbean Sea, One will fall and never existence."

"Um Reed Babe how did you remember all that ?" Priscilla asked her boyfriend.

"Some Apollo Kids have the gift of foresight. A ability to see into the future looks like Reed was gifted with that."

"You really are Mr. Perfect aren't you ?" Zoe asked the son of Apollo.

Reed grinned at Zoe with his pearly with teeth and said "I wouldn't call myself Mr. Perfect."

"I would." Priscilla said with a smile as she leaned on Reed's muscular arm. 

Reed turned to Priscilla and smiled as he pecked her forehead.

"Anyways, Yea that prophecy must had to deal with all of this."

"Six shall go to the land without light." Thalia said as she frowned.

"Which means 5 half-bloods and you two."

"Main questions who gonna go ?"  Annabeth wonder.

"As I said me and you will be enough."

"Hold on Thy Girl, You missing something the prophecy says Hunters and Campers will join once again. Which means your going to need us."

"No It would be more helpful if only me and Thalia. We won't be needing thy help."

Zoe gave a frustrated sigh as she said "It's your Leona, nobody has said thy in hundreds of years."

"Your. We won't be needing your help."

"Let me shut up." Zoe mutter.

"Your going to need our help. If you like or you don't. Now of course we don't like it either but hey, it's a prophecy either you like it or you don't." Priscilla told Leona.

"I see. So you wish to come Daughter of Poseidon ?"

"I have no choice. I'm one of the main people in the prophecy along with Zoe and Phoenix. So we must come."

"It make sense. Children of the Big Three always wanted to seek attention for their godly fathers. I believe Zeus, Poseidon and Hades would improve." Leona told us.

I growled causing the sky to rumbled as Priscilla eyes darken along with Alex's and Henry causing the ground to shake a bit and the creek to turn.

"Enough guys !" Annabeth told us as Priscilla scoffed.

"Anyways. So Zoe, Priscilla and Phoenix are going. When still need 3 more half-bloods."

Henry was sitting next to Alex quiet the whole time until he rose his head and said "Can I go ?"

[✔️] The Demigod Chronicles ♆ Book 3~ The Trail of HadesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя