Chapter 13 : Nico Get's A New Cabin Mate

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I had to say. I've been to the infirmary to many times. 

I see the infirmary probably thousands times a day. It was my second home. After Alex taught me and Priscilla a lesson Jason and the others carried us to the infirmary to get look at by Will.

"Man Zoe and Priscilla. I just think you two should live here." Will told us as we sat next to each other on separate beds.

Priscilla groaned while lying on her face and said "I know you see us daily Will."

"Not to mention the pain you to look like your in." Nico said as he looked at my back seeing that my bones weren't in the right spot.

"I had to give it to Alex. She beat the crap out of you to." Spencer said. After hearing the news she was now in the infirmary with all the rest of us.

"Spencer, you gonna make fun of us or help us ?"

"Kinda, maybe a little bit of both." as Priscilla rolled her eyes as Spencer chuckled ...


The Demigod Chronicles Book 3 ~ Chapter 13


I screamed loud as Will snapped my bone back into it's regular place.

I was sweating and I was so tired of being in pain. Even if Will gave us both a shot to numb the pain we both weren't feeling any better.

I took in a deep breath as I groaned. "I-I thought the shot was suppose to numb the pain ?"

"It is but it's still going to hurt Z." he told me as I sighed.

"She's a daughter of Hades. No doubt about it." Nico said looking outside the window.

"How, you know ?" Phoenix asked him.

"Just, look at her. She's a broken mess not to mention she and Henry were able to cause freaky enormous earthquake. And not to mention what she did to you to." 

"Thanks for the reminder Nico." Priscilla said as Will rubbed cream on her back.

"I knew does two were special." I mutter as the others looked at me. "What do you mean special ?"

I forgot I like to say my thoughts out loud as I mutter "D-Don't worry about it."

Priscilla sighed as Chiron walked in.

"Zoe. Priscilla."

"Oh, hi Chiron." I said sitting up as Priscilla turned on her side.

"So it is true Alex and Henry are-"

"Children of Hades." Phoenix interrupted.

"Which means there powerful as heck." Phoenix added "Yes, They are powerful. Alex's is going to need you two guidance."

"Um Chiron, forgot she hates us." Priscilla said popping her ringer finger back in it's right spot.

"Alex will forgive you both."

"Tch, when pigs fly." Priscilla mutter as I rose from my bed with shaking legs as I turned to Nico.

"Looks like your about to get some new cabin mates."

"Yep. Let's hope Alex clam down. When I go see her."

"Do you what us to come ?" I asked him as he sighed and said "No, I'll be fine on my own. Decides she's my half-sister. I want to meet her one on one."

[✔️] The Demigod Chronicles ♆ Book 3~ The Trail of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now