Chapter 28 : Leona Makes Priscilla A Promising Offer

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"Focus Z !" Priscilla yelled to me.

Since it was getting late and almost sundown we decide to rest up near the forest and set up Camp there.

Phoenix, Leona, Thalia, Nico, Alex and Henry decided they wanted to stay and rest up while me and Priscilla had the bright idea to duel.

I asked Henry or Alex is they wanted to try and get their strength up but the two wanted to rest.

So it was just me and Priscilla. And may I say she was not taking it easy on me.

My hair was put up as I was wearing my usual training wear which was navy blue sport bra with black tights and black Nike's.

While Priscilla on the other hand hair was up as well as she was wearing light blue sport bra with black tights and black Nike's.

Yeah, me and Priscilla can match on any occasion.

Today we weren't using weapons we doing hand to hand which we both good in.

I striked Priscilla in her knee as she backed away and attempted to strike me back as she tried to punch me but I blocked it with my elbow.

I put my hand down as I said "So, what's up with you and Mr. Perfect ?" as she grumbled "Nothing really." as I tried to strike her but she dodge it as she got back up as I was about to hit her but stopped as she did as well as I said

"Remember Kelp Face, Block with your hands."

"I got it." she told me throwing my hand to the side most rudely as we turned back around as we went back to training.

"What's up with you ?" I asked her as she tried to strike me but I doge as she grunted in frustrating and said annoyed "Nothing, Don't worry about it." as she was able to strike me in the side as I felt her knuckles brush my side as she was did a flip and was now on top of me.

"Are you sure. Cause your slipping." as I move my head causing the wind to pick up causing her to fly off of me as I got up and landed on top of her and said "I always was the better one at hand to hand."

Priscilla's eyes narrowed as kicked me in the stomach causing me to stumble back as I held my stomach which was in pain.

"Ow P, I know were training but that hurt a lot." as I got back up and held my stomach as I held my hands back in their position.

Priscilla grunted as she tried to uppercut me as I dodge as I tried to side kick her as she dodge.

"Really, your not acting right everything ok ?"

"I'm fine." she told me as she began to punch my gloves {may I add she was being very aggressive}

"But your clearly not." she said trying to kick me but I doge as she grunted and told me "Stop asking me that." as I rolled my eyes and said

"Well changing topic, someone about to be 17." as I smiled as she punch my glove and looked up at me.

In a couple of months it was about to be Priscilla's seventeen Birthday. She was born on July 1st while I was born on July 5th. We were talking about her birthday to and she was talking about how she was going to throw a huge party for her birthday and how everything was going to be her night and how all our friends were invited.

She took in a sigh and said "Look Z, I know I'm almost 17." as she kicked me but I block her hit and said " You should be happy." as I swept kicked her as she landed with a thud as we both took in big breaths.

Priscilla groaned on the ground as she brought herself to her knees as she ran her fingers threw her as she undid her ponytail and shook her hair.

"P ?" I asked her as she held her breath as I noticed her eyes fade into a icy blue as I noticed the trees start to grow with frost as I looked back at her.

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