Chapter 18 : I Settle My Tabs

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I couldn't remember anything that happened.

There were screams and then a loud CRASH !

And that was it.

I knew we had crashed. I also knew that there was something running down my leg.

Not to mention my whole body felt numb.

I knew I needed to wake up but I couldn't.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes as I looked around.

I couldn't see much my vision was blurry

But I could see the others figures. I saw Henry with his head on his shoulder along with a bloody mark on his forehead next to him was Priscilla. She looked like she got it the worst. Her arm was outside the shattered mirror as blood ran down her mouth.

"P." I mutter as I turned around to the others.

Leona was knocked out with a bloody mark next to her was Thalia who was barley breathing along with Alex and Phoenix. The two were passed out in the back with bloody marks on them.

"Guys." I said as I tried to left up my hand but failed I knew it was broken.

I groaned as I heard more groaning as I turned to see Priscilla she lifted her head as she coughed the blood out of her mouth.

"P !" I said as she turned to me and as she mutter "Z."

"Oh thank the god your ok." as she continued to cough blood out her mouth.

"I think something busted." Priscilla said gripping her ribs.

"Your hurt along with everyone else. Let's get them up." she nodded.

No matter how much me and Priscilla argue we will always come together. No matter what.

I tapped Henry a little while Priscilla {though with much pain} got on her knee as tried to wake the others.

"Z. I got them awake." she told me.

I nodded as I tired to open the door but it just stayed shut.

"It's jammed." Alex told us as she tried to open the door. The daughter of Hades was covered in blood and she limped on her knee but she pushed through the pain.

"Were getting out of here. I promise you guys. I caused this and I'm going to fix it." I told them as I threw myself against the door as It unlocked as I got out as Priscilla kicked the door open as we all got out.

I helped Priscilla out since she was holding her busted ribs as she turned to me as she said "Thank you."

"It's nothing Kelpe, decides your my best friend. We do anything for each other. No matter what."

She smiled at me with blood stained teeth.

We decided we would stopped near a forest.

We all knew how weak we were and we needed some rest.

I helped Priscilla to a log.

"Ok, is everyone ok ?" Thalia asked as Phoenix sighed while she was being held by Alex and said "I guess it's just I believe there a broken bone somewhere in my body."

Alex dropped Phoenix on the ground as the daughter of Hephaestus looked up at her.

"Hey ! What was that for ?"

"Oh my bad. I just thought you needed to break more bones." as Alex smirked.

Phoenix gave her a stare as she brought herself to her feet.

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