Chapter 26 : Henry Sign Up For Priscilla's Knife Skill Class

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"Out of all the people to pair me with, it had to be Tool Girl." Alex's told me.

I took in a annoyed sigh.

After assigning everyone their roles I was working on a way to connect Spencer. I had to use Iris Message in order to talk to her since I couldn't use a phone even if she had one since I didn't want to put her in any danger.

I never used Iris Message before. Percy showed me how to use it and I had to say I got the hang of it.

For the mortals out there Iris Message is a safe way of communicate for demigods and gods by using rainbows {hint's why it's called Iris Message}

I was all ready to call her. I had everything set up. I made sure I was in a place able to create mist so I poured water onto the floor and sat in the sun {which may I say was shinning very brightly}

I drop the golden drachma into the water as I was ready to say the words.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept-"

"Grace !" I heard from outside as I took in a deep breath and said " Aw, Perfect" as Alex's stormed inside.

The Daughter of Hades looked pretty upset. Her breathes were uneven. She decided to put on black eyeliner and change clothes. She was wearing a My Chemical Romance white shirt with black pants spray painted with words like "punk." "emo." or "goth" with a chain belt and black boots as her hair was wavy down her back.
I gave a sigh and continued to focusing on what I was doing.

"Oh here comes the devil." Priscilla said sitting on the couch watching The Blue Plant II while her and Henry were making us sandwiches for the road.

Henry cut the tomato as he placed it on the sandwich.

"What's going on ?" Thalia asked from upstairs as Leona, Nico were behind her. I guess Alex's yell trigger them to come down and take a look at what was going on.

I took in a breath as Alex's began to talk to me.
"We need to talk." Alex said as she crossed her arms to her chest.

I took in a breath and said "About what ?" as I continued to set up my message.

Alex's noticed I really wasn't paying attention to her as she took in a annoyed sigh as she stomped in the puddle of water causing all of it to get on my face as I look up at her with a smile on her face as I said "You are so insufferable."

"This is who I am, Nobody said you had to like it." as I gave a slit eye roll and got up crossing my arms to.

"What Alex ?" I asked her as she gave me a glare and said "I'm sorry I interrupted you playing with water puddles."

My eye twitched as I asked "What do you need ?" as she took in a deep breath and said "Why pair me with Phoenix ?"

I rose a brow as I thought back that I had paired Alex's with Phoenix so the to could work on car. I never thought the to working together would be a huge problem but it seemed it was.

"And this is a problem why ?" I asked her leaning against the counter.

Alex's took in a sigh and said "I don't think it's a good idea for us to be around each other."

"But why you and Phoenix get along well. And decides Phoenix is not a bad person."

"I'm a Daughter of Hades not Hephaestus. I know nothing about fixing a freaky car that's not what I do."

"Is it your high level of sarcasm ?" Nico asked on the stairs as Alex's chuckled and said "I love sarcasm it's like punching somebody in the face with words."

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