Chapter 3 : We Return To Camp Half-Blood And Learn The Truth, Sort Of

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I had to get my mom to drive me and Zoe to Camp Half-Blood ever since Gwen attacked us at school.

"So what happened ?" my mother asked driving her black mercedes as I sighed and said "Mom, a monster attacked me and Zoe at school and we think something wrong at Camp."

My mother let in a big sigh as she said "Zoe does you mom know ?"

"Uh yeah" Zoe told my mom.

"You two aren't going to be going on  a week long quest again are you ?"

"I don't really know" I told her as she sighed and said "Just if you do please make sure to catch up on school work and be careful" as we stopped at Camp's entrance.

"I will. I'll be home soon." I told my mother as she sighed as Zoe got out off the car as I was about the close the door until my mother said "Um young lady, what about my kiss ?"

I sighed as I groaned "Mom."

"I won't leave til I get one" 

Zoe laughed as I rolled my eyes at her as I leaned into the car and gave my mother a kiss on her cheek.

She smiled as she started to car and said "Love you my little Love bug." she told me as she drove off as I sighed as I faced Zoe who was chuckling as I told her "Not a word." as Zoe rolled her eyes as we walked towards Camp.


I had to say Camp never changes.

Once I walked through that border I felt clammier. 

It was a bright sunny day at Camp. Like usual since it was spring time.

You say kids running around in there orange t-shirts some kids flying on Pegasus, some training and others just walking around talking.

"Camp never changes." Zoe said as I smiled as we both took in the sweet smell of the strawberry field's ahead.

I looked around to see the Big House straight ahead along with the rest of the cabins.

"Come on" I told Zoe as we began to walked towards the cabins.

Once we made our way towards the cabins Campers started noticing us.

"Oh my gods. It's Zoe and Priscilla !" an Athena's boy said.

"There so cool" a Demeter kid said.

"I bet being a children of the Big Three is so awesome." 

Me and Priscilla gazed at one another as we said "Mmm."

"Were should we go first ?" I asked Priscilla.

"Maybe, we should go to the Big House."

As soon as we said that someone said our names "Zoe ! Priscilla !" we both turned only to see Travis the son of Hermes.

"Oh, hey Travis." Zoe said to the half-blood.

Travis was a tall and skinny boy with a mop of curly brown hair on his head that hides his blue eyes. He was wearing his orange Camp-Half Blood shirt untucked over baggy shorts. 

"What are you two doing here ?" Travis asked.

"Well a monster attacked us at school and now were here."

"Well you two came at a good time." he told us.

"What do you mean ?" I asked him as he sighed and said "Ever since you two left Camp, weird things have been happening."

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