Chapter 34 : Some Nightmares Don't End When You Open Your Eyes...

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I jumped over a fallen tree branch as I ran fast. My breathing was labored by the cold bitter air, my legs tired and weak as the wind tortured my eyes as I looked back behind me making sure the creature wasn't close to me. Blood ran down my lip as I wiped away several tears as my heart as the wind whipped my hair back from my face as I tripped and fell as I looked up seeing the creature above me as he lunged down as I closed my eyes shut...

Wait, let me slow down, I'm getting way to ahead of myself. Let me start off from the beginning of this crazy journey.

It all started when I kissed someone special...


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑~𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟒



It was pleasant Tuesday Afternoon getting really close to nighttime, The Birds were chirping, The sun dimly shinning, and I was stuck in the back panting.

Yes people, I'm a emo girl who loves rock music, black, journaling and panting.

I wouldn't considered myself Picasso or anything but I wasn't worst.

My mother even called "the best painter in century." I didn't know if she was serious or she was lying to my face.

I mean when hasn't she lied to me.

I liked art, I guess. It wasn't my favorite out of all my hobbies but I actually started when I was young around the age of four.

My mom wanted me to be very experienced in many things so she hired a women to teach all kinds of things, her name was Selene and she taught me art, baking, pottery, tennis, cooking, crochet, knitting, embroidery, scarp booking, swimming, badminton, yoga, sculpting, sewing,  gardening, piano, chess, woodworking, origami, guitar, archery, hunting, scuba diving, rock climbing, bonsai, acting, gymnastics, jazz dance, tap dancing, horseback riding, karate and violin.

Yeah, I learned a lot from her, even though there was some things I wanted to do like basketball, skateboarding, electric guitar or even graffiti but my mother saw all of those as boy hobbies and their not" lady like."

Well look now mom ! I'm doing all of those things. One thing I hated the most was ballet. I hated wearing those pretty pink stupid tutu and those feet aching shoes. I asked my mother If I could drop out of it and do something else, she responded to that by slapping me in my face and yelling at me in a stern voice that if I did that she was grounded me for six months and how she would make me make  her ruby's tell my fingers fell off.

I wished I was fight back at her, but I was only four and wasn't strong enough, but I did fight back at my mom sometimes and most of the time it left me with busies and her with my four year old teeth marks.

Yeah, her and me didn't even get along even when I was four, she hated me and I hated her.

But let's get back to the story and enough of my rambling.

I was sitting in the back on one of the stools panting on my canvas with my black beats on my ears blasting my rock music, while Thalia drive. Though she wasn't the best and she did crash Apollo's chariot, I thought we were going to be in good hands.

Decides, I need a break from driving, and I wanted to focus on something else to relive myself from my thoughts.

If you were wondering, Yes, Henry also liked art, though he wasn't into panting, he was more of the drawer, he like using pencils, and ink. Most of his drawing were ink images. I gazed down seeing him drawing a picture of  what looked like a Chinese Mountain as he sighed and asked

[✔️] The Demigod Chronicles ♆ Book 3~ The Trail of HadesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon