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"Please, Jungkook. I don't want you to have to keep watching me die, I can't do that to you again. Please."
I hug him, crying, feeling him tense up as he wraps his arms around me. I cry for my son, wishing I could truly remember him, and praying I get to see him, to hug him, to tell him I'm so fucking sorry for everything. I want to stay with Jungkook, I want to live my life with him, and maybe even our son if we get the chance, we can be a family again.
"Princess, are you sure?"
His voice is written with worry as we look at each other.
"Yes, Jungkook. Please. I don't want anyone hurting any more."
He nods, holding me a bit longer before walking us towards the bedroom.
"It might hurt for a few minutes, and you'll be in pain for a few minutes for your transformation to fully take effect."
I nod, not caring about any pain, only focusing on the future. He lays be back onto the bed, placing himself over me as he kisses me, almost as if it will be the last time he'll kiss me. I close my eyes as he lightly turns my head to the left, hearing a sigh as he reaches down to my neck, his hot breath giving me goosebumps as my adrenaline sky rockets.
I feel a sharp pain in my neck and gasp, my eyes wanting to roll into the back of my head. I tightly shut my eyes again, placing my hands onto his biceps and squeezing the pain out of me and onto him. I hear the soft sounds of his gulps, feeling hot liquids rush down my neck and onto my shoulder.
I feel myself starting to slowly slip into unconsciousness, my grip on his biceps lessening, eventually my hands laying on the bed. I listen to his gulps, then, I slip into darkness, my body flushing with hot flashes.

I'm lying in a bed of flower petals, but my body is tensed up, heating up severely from head to toe. I shake, my body not being able to contain the climbing temperature and pain. I clench my fists and grind my teeth, keeping my screams in my throat. A hand is placed into my forehead, cold and relaxing. I open my eyes to some pretty woman smiling down at me, her big doe eyes matching with her round face.
I can't speak, but I let her cold hand stay on my forehead, then placing her hand onto my neck, sending sharp jolts of pain through my body as she lightly brushes up against it. My body shakes, feeling as if I have no control over my motions. This is it, I'm going to die. My body is to weak, I knew it. I can't die, I can't. I did this solely to not die! Please, please.

My eyes shot open, my body jolting towards. I look around, the pain subsiding but my neck still aching. I look over to Jungkook who takes a wet rag and places it into a bowl with red water.
"We need to go soon, but are you feeling okay?"
I feel my neck, my body feeling... different. Stronger?
"Yeah-yeah. I... I thought I was going to die. I got scared. And... and I saw this woman, she had cold hands."
I place my hand on my neck again, wincing slightly at the soreness.
"She's a healer. She minimizes the pain of it, but you'll still be sore for a while. Do you feel any different? Good or bad?"
I get up from the bed, stretching my body.
"I feel good, actually. But, we need to go. Do we need to pack anything?"
Jungkook gets up and says no.
"The place isn't far away, plus, I'm sure once your powers kick in you can do damage if needed."
I nod, millions of questions running through my head. I watch as he grabs the keys to the car, rushing wards the door. When we get into the car we put our seatbelts on, Jungkook rushing to turn on the car.
"How will I know my powers are... on?"
He laughs at me.
"Your body will feel a lot stronger, and your powers are based on your emotions, you'll find out I'm sure."
I nod, really confused and even scared.

The Vampire King [FINISHED♡]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang