An Intruder

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Apparently I fell asleep on Jungkook after telling him about my past, because I wake up in his bed, the covers over me, the blinds up so the moonlight gives me some light. I look around, finding Jungkook no where. Where'd he go?
I slowly get out of bed, nose a bit stuffy and eyes stinging. It's probably allergies or the aftermath of crying. I walk out of the room, opening the door quietly. I walk down the hallway, some lights on from within the kitchen and living room. I look for Jungkook but he is no where in sight, but I do spot a note on the fridge.
I walk over and smile, his handwriting so pretty.
'I went to the store to get you us some sweets and movies. I'll be back, Princess.'
I smile at myself. I adore this man so much. I keep the note on the fridge, moving towards the loving room glass doors to look out towards the pool with the lights gleaming in the water. I close my eyes, taking a big sigh and opening my eyes. I scream and fall back onto the floor as I look at the creature with no eyes smiling at me through the glass.
I shut my eyes tightly, telling myself it isn't real, but when I open my eyes it's still there, reaching for the handle. Thank fucking god it's locked, but I'm sure it will try to find a way in. I get up, running towards the bathroom, briefly stopping into the kitchen to grab a knife, knocking down all the other knives.
I run towards the bathroom to hide, locking the door and turning off the light as I sit in the bathtub, clutching the knife to my chest as I shake from fear. I take steady breaths, praying Jungkook will get home soon. I thought there were barriers around the house? How the fuck did he get through them? I know for certain he's real now.
My breath hitches as I hear a scratchy creepy voice.
"Where are you, Y/N? I've been looking every where for you, lovely."
I shudder at the word 'lovely', and then a flashback hits me full on. That night at the party Gracen called me lovely. He kept saying it over and over, and I recoil at the flashback. What if... no. No it can't be Gracen, he graduated and moved.
I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, praying he doesn't go into Daisy's room. I shut my eyes, my hands wrapped around the knife as I take slow breaths, trying not to make any noise.
"I know you're here, Y/N. Come on, I won't bite. Unless you want me too. I just want some fun."
I feel a tear fall out of my eye and I place my hand over my mouth. Was Gracen a creature all along? Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions.
"Remember that night at the party? God you felt so good. You tasted so yummy, I just want another taste."
A quiet sob escapes my mouth, my stomach and heart dropping to my feet as I see his feet stopping in front of the bathroom door.
"I can hear you, Y/N. Why are you hiding, lovely? We had fun that night, don't lie. Let me get a real taste now, I promise it won't hurt."
I start to cry uncontrollably. Why the fuck does everyone want to eat me and kill me?
"Get away, Gracen! Get out of my house! Jung-Jungkook will be here soon, and he'll kill you!"
He gives a disgusting laugh as I keep crying, holding back screams.
"That is before I can get to you."
The door knob rattles as I grip the knife, ready to stab the shit out of him. As I think he's about to come in, I hear Jungkooks car pull up, Gracen grunting at taking his hand off the knob.
"Next time you won't be so lucky, Y/N."
I hear him running away as I let myself cry, immediately running out of the bathroom towards the front door, dropping the knife on my towards Jungkook. I open the door and run towards him as he gets out of the car. I run into him, making him lean into the car.
"Hey, Y/N, baby, what's wrong?"
I sob into him, shaken to my core. How the fuck did he get in? And why is he here? What is he really trying to do to me? Will he try again?

The Vampire King [FINISHED♡]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt