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"I'm fine," I slur out, accidentally falling to the concrete ground outside of the club.
"What ever Y/N! We need to get your ass back home."
I try to stand up with my shaky legs and blurry vision, my friend Davin helping me up, my dress rising up and most likely flashing people.
"Oh for fucks sake, Y/N! Why'd you drink so much?"
I laugh as we make our way towards a bench, Davin making me sit down as I mumble complete nonsense.
"Shit. I forgot my wallet and phone, please don't go anywhere Y/N! I'll be right back."
I whine as Davin leaves me, the sadness I was trying to drink away slowly creeping up into my stomach, making my throat tighten and eyes prickle. Damn, what do I have to do to stop feeling it?
I look around, head fuzzy and my vision not the cleanest. I hear a soft meow and see a cat on my right side, the cat facing an alleyway.
"Cat! Cat, hi!"
I try to stand, having to bend a bit, cooing at the cat to come towards me.
"You so pretty. Hi!"
As I reach the cat the cat jumps from my touch, running into the alleyway. I look forward, only seeing blackness. I frown, I just wanted to pet it. What if it's homeless? What if it'll get eaten by a dog or run over? I should take it home with me!
"Kitty, come here! You're gunna live with me."
I inch forward into the darkness, hearing the cat growling now. My neck hairs stand straight up as I freeze, unable to move.
"There you are, little bitch!"
I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and force me to turn around, making me want to drop to the ground and crawl away.
"No one says no to me!"
I realize it's the creepy guy that was hitting on me inside, and I rudely told him to fuck off. Apparently he didn't like that.
"You expect to not get attention when you're dressed like a whore?"
I start to cry, trying to scream out, but the creepy guy places his hand over my mouth, pushing me up against the building wall. I start to sob, praying Davin will walk out soon and try to find me. The creepy guy starts to move my dress towards, exposing my underwear.
I can't move, he's practically laying on me, and I'm too fucking drunk to truly understand what I need to do! Fuck, fuck! Before he can touch me I bite his hand, hopefully grabbing a chunk of skin so he'd back up. He yells and moves back as I try to run away, but he slaps me in the face, hard, making me land onto the ground.
"Bitch! It'll be a lot easier if you'd just cooperate and shut the fuck up!"
I scream as loud as I can, screaming for Davin, but I highly doubt he can hear me from the loud ass music inside the club. I move with all my might, trying to kick and shove and hit, but the guy has pinned himself onto me again. I start to cry again, wishing I could just die, I would rather die than have to experience this again.
As I accept what will eventually happen, I open my eyes to find the creepy guy getting dragged off of me.
"Get the fuck off me!"
The creepy guy is screaming and shouting, a shadowy figure behind him. I can't clearly see who, or what, the person is, but they seem tall. I pull my dress down again, trying to get up and run, but I can't fucking move. I'm so fucking scared. I sit there, watching the two. The creepy guy gets his head shoved onto the ground, the black figure making itself over the creepy guy.
I hear a growl and then a gurgled scream, making my skin erupt with goosebumps. What the fuck just happened? I watch as the shadowy figure is still over the creepy guy, but he isn't moving, he isn't making any noise either. Is he... dead?
I try to finally get up, scared shitless that the shadowy figure is going to kill me.
"Where you goin princess? After all I just saved you. Are you okay?"
The voice is like honey to my ears. I turn around, slowly being able to etch out a man's figure as he comes towards me, his face somewhat coming into view, still blurry. Why do I feel so calm?
"Thank you. I'm fine. My friend is probably looking for me, so I should go, but really thanks."
"Oh your friend is in the club bathroom blowing a dude. That's why he couldn't hear you."
I widen my eyes at him, wondering how the fuck he knows that. And why the fuck Davin would do that when he knows I'm drunk and not the best right now. What a dick!

The Vampire King [FINISHED♡]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt