Lovey Dovey

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Jungkook tells me in the car that I will probably have to stay for more days, so we stop by my apartment so I can grab as many clothes as I can, mostly lounging clothes but also some jeans and a dress. I realize all the underwear I have is lace or sexy, which sucks majorly. I need to buy granny panties or something.
I grab about thirty tampons as well and my birth control pills, stuffing all this in an overnight bag. I also grab my shampoo and conditioner, along with my face wash and another phone charger. I walk out of my apartment and back to Jungkooks car, him leaning up against the back and helping me put my bag in the back of the car.
"How long do you think I'll have to stay?" I ask, hopping into the car and not caring that my hoodie somewhat rode up to my thighs.
"I'm not sure. Considering there were more creatures around your house, probably a while."
"Oh," is all I can say, feeling a bit frightened of the thought of these monsters trying to eat and kill me.
I don't know what I did in the past but apparently something not good since I'm having to hide to not be eaten. I watch the scenery zoom past me outside the window, Jungkooks hand resting on my left thigh which makes me want to explode and melt at the same time with his soft skin on my bare skin. I make sweater paws and mess with my ring, thinking what the fuck I'm going to do now.

For some reason I feel very lovey dovey, probably my happy mood coming back, but I don't want to make Jungkook uncomfortable, so I keep bugging him while he pushes the buggy, picking out certain rices and meats, seasonings and some sweets too. I poke at his back and sides, making him laugh and twitch.
While he looks at the cereals in front of him I poke his side again and giggle as he starts to tickle me. He chuckles as he stops, briefly staring at me and glancing at my lips before returning to search for a cereal. I wrap my arms around his waist from the side, feeling him tense up before relaxing as I lay my head up against him, pulling him into me so I can absorb his heat and love on him even though I look and am acting like a child.
"You're quite cuddly today, Princess."
I look at him and pout.
"Are you saying you don't like it?"
I pull away slightly but he pulls me back in, a smile on his lips as he wraps his left arm around my waist while picking out a cereal. We continue picking foods and snacks, me trying to annoy him by hugging him from behind as he walks or standing in the aisle, but he laughs and messes with me. I swear when people look at this they think we're so childish, and they're right.
We make it back to the house, bringing in the last bag of foodies and Jungkook helping me put them up, once and a while brushing up against me from behind, making me want to scream. I finish placing the small packet seasonings into a little pantry and close it, Jungkook leaning up against the counter and watching me.
"Yes?" I say, crossing my arms and placing my weight on one hip.
"I think you should wear baggy clothes more often. Preferably my clothes."
I look at him confused for a second before dealing what he said.
"I like clothes. I like hoodies. I like boy clothes. I won't say no to free clothes."
I walk over to him and smile up at him as I place myself in between his legs. I want him to do something, I want him to react to me. Make a move, do something, kiss me, touch me, anything. Give me that electric shock again.

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