The Whole Truth

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I tell Jungkook what happened, forcefully telling him it's Gracen. Jungkook told me to pack my things as he calls a friend. I grab what ever I can, mainly essentials. I walk into the living room as Jungkook hangs up the phone.
"I have a summer home not to far away, we're going there. Just grab what you really need and I'll get Daisy."
I nod, sniffling.

We make it to his summer home, the house hanging off of a cliff. We pull into a cement garage, Jungkook getting out of the car and opening my door before getting Daisy out of the back. We make our way into the house, dark furniture to match the dark walls and wood floors.
He shows me our room, placing my bag onto the floor before sitting on the bed, a million questions running through my head. Why is he here all of sudden? I never would have thought he was a creature, but since Jungkook imprinted on me, it seems creatures are trying to come after me to eat me or some shit. Why do they want me so bad? Gracen seemed scared of Jungkook when he heard the car pull up, is he scared of him?
Jungkook sits in the middle of the bed as I crawl towards him, placing myself in his lap, feeling secure.
"I'm so sorry, Princess."
He kisses the top of my head as he strokes my arm, lightly kissing my face before letting me nuzzle into his neck.
"It isn't your fault, Jungkook. I don't understand why creatures are trying to fucking eat me, though."
Jungkook sighs, looking up as I hear him gulp. I move away from his neck, looking at him as my stomach turns.
"What's wrong."
Jungkook looks at me with worry and... apologetic?
"I need to tell you something that... may be hard to believe. Before i say anything, please understand I was only trying to save you from getting hurt. I hate seeing you in pain, Princess."
I nod, taking his hands in mine, preparing for the worst as he looks into my eyes, giving me a sweet and saddened kiss. Now I'm really scared.
"You know how you said you wanted to be with me in your next life?"
I nod, a bit confused. He sighs and then looks up at me.
"In your past lives, we've actually been together. Many past lives, actually, but as you know you die and then live another life, forgetting everything. Including me."
I widen my eyes, wondering he's just fucking with me, but I let him speak some more, feeling him tense up.
"Each life you've always told me you wanted to be with me in your next life, and I've always agreed. I never wanted to leave you, I have always watched over you each life from when you were born till you were around eighteen, being a proper age to actually consider being with me."
I nod, wanting him to continue, noticing his face saddening.
"There were a few past lives of course where you died pleasantly, whether it was in your sleep or just of old age. But... most of your deaths were... my fault."
I try to protest but he gives me a look that makes my heart want to burst. Those dreams I've had... is that me remembering my past lives, my past deaths?
"Whether it was fighting other creatures together or simply getting attacked by a creature. You were never a vampire, you never really asked me. You've asked once, but I told you no, in fear that you might be wanted more."
Holy shit. Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?
"Creatures are coming after you because you are powerful. You've always been powerful, and if you happened to turn into a vampire, your power would double. Your first life you were a daughter of very powerful vampires, but you didn't turn into one for some reason."
Wait, what? I had... vampire parents?
"You were still very powerful, but, you can't express them, so to speak. Only if you turned into a vampire would you be able to show your powers."
I nod, trying to take in everything he's saying.
"Every creature found out about you. Creatures tend to eat each other for more power, especially the weaker vampires. They can't get to someone like me or the alpha vampires, we're much stronger, but there are a few creatures that are as strong as us."
So, they're trying to eat me for the powers that I somehow have?
"That's why they're coming after you, Princess. They're still pretty ballsy to try even when they know I've imprinted you. But, I'm pretty sure Gracen is a low life creature, and if I catch him.."
I stop him, hugging him tightly. I don't realize until I remember the dreams fully. He had to watch me die, had to wait several years until he could be with me again.
"I'm so sorry I had to keep all this from you, Princess, but I just wanted you to live your best life. I'm sorry I dragged you into all this."
"Jungkook, stop. I'm not mad. I'd rather be with you and have creatures try to eat me than be with some gross person who won't love me like you ever will. The fact that you have to wait so long to get back to me and the fact that you've had to keep watching me die is so painful and powerful of you."
I let his tears drench my shoulder, I let him squeeze me into him. I let him hold me as long as he wants, because I know having to watch someone die, especially you're partner, so the worst thing to see.

The Vampire King [FINISHED♡]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat